Components of a Food Label Nutritional Facts Ingredient List (largest to smallest, determined by weight) Daily % Values Serving Size
Cinnamon Roll Ingredients Practice
Food Label Terms Low in : the food could be eaten frequently without exceeding recommended amounts Reduced, less or light: the food must have at least 25% less of something (fat, calories, sodium) than a comparison food. Reduced is used when the food has been nutritionally altered
Food Label Terms Good Source of: one serving of the food contains 10-19% of the daily value of a particular nutrient High Source of: one serving of the food contains at least 20% of the daily value of a particular nutrient.
Food Label Terms “Organic” and “Natural” Have not been defined by law. “Juice” Must be 100% juice. “Fruit drink,” “punch,” “fruit flavored drink,” or “juice cocktail” may contain less than 10% fruit juice
Dates on Labels Two Types of Dates: Open Dating Actually put a date on the package Closed Dating Companies put a code on the product
Open Dating Sell Date Tells store how long to display the product for sale Allows for a reasonable time to use at home if bought before the date expires Example: Milk, dairy products, cold cuts
Open Dating Use By Date Date to use product by while at peak quality. Still safe to eat after, but lower quality Example: bread, cereal, salad dressing
Dates on Labels Expiration Date The last date a food should be eaten or used.
Food Label Analysis Practice
Establish a Food Budget How to set up a food budget: 1. Keep a spending record for 3 months. 2. Record all the money you spend on food in and out of the home. 3. Stick to your budget!!
Shopping Strategies 1. Create a categorized shopping list 2. Take calculator 3. Avoid shopping hungry or tired 4. Shop alone
Be Aware of Advertising Strategies 1. Beware of loss leaders 2. Layout of store 3. Shelf placement of items 4. Impulse buys
Coupons Mostly offered on national brands Only use if final cost is less!! Rebate coupons: require receipt and proof of purchase
Supermarket Secrets Video
Unit Price/Cost Per Serving Definition: How much the item costs per unit/serving Used to compare brands and different sizes Total price divided by the number of units/servings. Often listed on the store shelf.
Unit Pricing/Cost Per Serving Unit pricing allows you to compare brands and sizes Largest package is not always the least expensive. Decide: Will you use it before the expiration date?
Practice Unit Pricing A 6-ounce tube of paint costs $ What is the unit price? $15.42 ÷ 6 ounces = $2.57 per ounce
A 2-foot piece of copper pipe costs $1.30. What is the unit price? $1.30 ÷ 2 feet = $0.65 per foot
A 4-pack of wooden boxes costs $4.60. What is the unit price? $4.60 ÷ 4 packs = $1.15 per box
Unit Price Remember, unit pricing allows you to compare similar products and buy the cheaper one!
Unit Pricing Practice Which is the better buy? 7-pack of plastic rings for $ pack of plastic rings for $0.80 $0.77 ÷ 7 packs = 11 cents per package $0.80 ÷ 8 packs = 10 cents per package
Which is the better buy? 4-pound bag of oranges for $ pound bag of oranges for $8.34 $5.88 ÷ 4 lbs = $1.47 per pound $8.34 ÷ 6 lbs = $1.39 per pound
Which is the better buy? 7-pack of ice cream bars for $ pack of ice cream bars for $1.53 $1.12 ÷ 7 bars = $0.16 per bar $1.53 ÷ 9 bars = $0.17 per bar
National Brands vs. Store Brands Store brands are usually less expensive and often same quality. Check unit pricing to compare. Buy for intended use (appearance?).
Name vs. Store Brand Unit Pricing and Taste Test Circle the one YOU think is the name brand Put a star next to the item you would buy, taking into account unit price, flavor, and appearance