A Project Report On Online Shopping By: Ruchi Kumari (08ERWCS089)
About The Company
Introduction to ASP ASP.NET stands for Active Server Pages .NET ASP.NET is developed by Microsoft. ASP.NET is used to create web pages and web technologies and is an integral part of Microsoft's .NET framework vision As a member of the .NET framework, ASP.NET is a very valuable tool for programmers and developers It allows us to build dynamic, rich web sites and web applications using compiled languages like VB and C#. ASP.NET is not limited to script languages, it allows you to make use of .NET languages like C#, J#, VB, etc It allows developers to build very compelling applications by making use of Visual Studio, the development tool provided by Microsoft. ASP.NET is purely server-side technology. It is built on a common language runtime that can be used on any Windows server to host powerful ASP.NET web sites and technologies.
Screen Shot Of Header Of A Web Page Build In Asp. Net Screen Shot Of A Web Page Build In Asp. Net
Introduction To The Project Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the Internet. It is a form of electronic commerce. An online shop, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, web-store, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping centre. Online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from merchants who sell on the Internet. The Process Of Shopping Done Over The Internet Is Called Online Shopping.
Logistics The Home Page Contains all the details about how to log in. If You are a new user you have to first register and then you will be able to buy products. The product page contains all the details about the products which are available. Search page is also there to search your type of product which are available in the database. Whatever the customer needs can just select the type of search and click go button, the page will be available to the customer. Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly, or do a search.
Wishlist System Once you are logged in you can see detailed view of all products with there Image, Product Serial Code, Product Name, Product Model Name, Company Name and Product Price. One can enter the desired quantity he want to purchase. If the quantity entered is available in the database the product will be added to your wishlist else a message will be displayed of inconvenience in adding to the wishlist. After adding to the wishlist one can view his wish list by clicking on the view my wishlist button .A new page will be open showing your wish list, if one wants some more items to be added he can click on add more items button or do his billing by clicking on billing button.
Billing System A Tab Container is used which contains three tabs : 1. shipping Address Tab 2.Billing Tab 3.Confirm Order Tab. In shipping address the customer or buyer has to fill all the details demanded in that particular page then after filling that form the customer can view it’s bill by simply clicking on billing tab. After that the customer should click on confirm order tab where a grid view shows all the detailed information about his product he bought and also the total bill amount. After confirming the order the customer has to select the payment mode from the available options. There the customer has to submitt its payment details. After this customer will be redirected to bill receipt page where he can download and print the receipt.
Administrator System An administrator account is a user account that lets you make changes that will affect other users. Administrator has got a particular login name and password to which he has the only right to access. No other user can have access to it. The Admin maintains and manages all the database including the user information, product information, cart information, shipping address information and bill receipt information. Only the administrator has access to go to the page which contains data entry, data modification, employee entry, employee modification and to process order. The administrator has to manage all the entries and modification that has to be made in the website.
Entity-Relationship Diagram product Bill receipt Is provided with contains s E-shopping store Website Application Settings Seller/administrator Part of contains Payment options Search Options Shopping cart settings Part of Product data entry Edit File Employee entry To place or process order Website front page shipping page
Data Flow Diagram 0 level DFD New User (Profile Info) Username Password Guest User Users Online Shopping System U S E R U S E R Requesting Output 0.1 User Verification Process U S E R S Login Info
0.2 Display Product Details Process 0.3 Update Product Details Process Product Code Price 0.3 Update Product Details Process Prod Info File 0.4 Price Calculation Process
0.6 0.5 U S E R S Prepare U S E R S Payment Invoice Process Process Payment Details 0.5 Payment Process 0.6 Prepare Invoice Process U S E R S U S E R S Acknowledge Bill Invoice Details Request to Specific Bank 0.1 DFD Login Verification Process U S E R Acknowledgement Login Info Username (Password) New User (Profile Info)
Verify Password & Username Update New User Profile Info Process Verify Password & Username Process 0.2 DFD Display Product Details Process Product Info File User Verification Process Users
New Items Process Existed Items Process Item List Process Item’s Details Process
0.3 DFD Prod Info File Update Product Product Price Info File Process Calculation Process Prod Code Prod’s Info File Price
Prod’s Price Quantity Process Process 0.5 DFD B A N K U S E R S Payment Process B A N K U S E R S Request to Specified Bank Debit Card Details Process Credit Card Details Process
0.6 DFD Prepare Invoice Process U S E R S Discount Deduction Process Bill Discount Deduction Process
Conclusion Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the Internet. It is a form of electronic commerce. An online shop, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping centre. The process is called Business-to-Consumer (B2C) online shopping. When a business buys from another business it is called Business-to-Business (B2B) online shopping.