3-view drawings
orthographic projection 3-view drawings 3-View Drawings will depict 3 views of a 3 Dimensional Object. 3-View Drawings show: height, width, & depth. 3-View Drawings are commonly used to depict any 3 dimensional object. 3- View Drawings make use of the Mitre Line: 45° angle used to transfer lines from the right side view to the top view.
orthographic projection 3-view drawings Visualizing the views Most 3-View Drawings depict the front, top & right side views. Although, in some circumstances other views of the object may be used.
activity ! Creating 3D Drawings Activity: UR 3D Design Groups: N/A Instruction: Create a 3D on graph paper that shows 3 sides: top, front, and right side. Fill the entire piece of graph paper…..be creative! Make it fun! Materials: Graph Paper, Ruler, Pencil, Colored Pencils.
activity ! Surface Identification Activity: Surface Identification Groups: N/A Instruction: Worksheet Examples Description: It is important for all students to be able to easily identify the different views of an object. Because, drafters must be able to identify different views quickly and accurately. Materials: Graph Paper, Ruler, Pencil, Colored Pencils.
orthographic projection 3-view drawings Surface Identification Surface Identification: Identification of the different surfaces of complex shapes Instructions: 1 – Color Code each 3d shape (tops, fronts & Right sides or left depending) 2 – Fill in the circle with the letter that is on the corresponding surface in the 3d View
orthographic projection 3-view drawings Surface Identification Instructions: 1 – Color Code each 3d shape (tops, fronts & Right sides or left depending) 2 – Fill in the chart with the number that corresponds to the appropriate surface “ in the _T, F, Side__ view what # is on or points to surface ___ ”
orthographic projection 3-view drawings Projection Lines *** Example for a common 3-View Drawing set-up ***
orthographic projection 3-view drawings Projection Lines *** Each view shows two dimensions ***
orthographic projection 3-view drawings Miter Line 45° Angle Transfers depth information between the top and right side views. Drawn: at the intersection pt. of a top horizontal P.L. and a R.S vertical P.L.
activity ! Projection Activity: Projection (Sketched) Groups: N/A Instruction: Worksheet Examples Description: An introductory projection activity. Materials: Pencil, Colored Pencil, Worksheets 30/31, 12/13, and or 17/17
activity ! Projection Activity: Projection (Mechanical) Groups: N/A Instruction: Worksheet Examples Description: An advanced projection activity that will incorporate the use of the Miter Line Materials: Pencil, Colored Pencil, Masking Tape, T- Square, 45° Triangle,Worksheets 7-1/7-2, 7-3/7-4, 7- 5/7-6, and or 34/35
activity ! 3-View Drawing: Solve for 3 Views Activity: WS 12 &13 Groups: Individual Instruction: 1 – Color Code the 3d: Each view a different color 2 – Draw the Front View (Pencil) 3 – Transfer H.L. to the R.S View (P.L. Color) 4 – Transfer V.L. to the Top View (P.L. Color) 5 – Using the Surface Color, Define the shape
activity ! 3-View Drawing: Solve for the Missing View Activity: WS 7-1 & 7-2 Groups: Individual Instruction: 1 – Accurately Tape Down your Work Sheet 2 – Color Code the 3d: Each view a different color 3 – Transfer H.L. (P.L. Color) 4 – Transfer V.L. (P.L. Color) 4a – Draw Mitre Line 5 – Using the Surface Color, Define the shape
activity ! Creating 3-View Drawings Activity: ORTHO ORTHO 3.15 Groups: N/A Instruction: Miss. Conner, PPT Ex & Foam Ex Materials: T-square, Triangle, Pencil, Drawing Paper, Masking Tape, Eraser, Ruler & Example.