Paint Product Stewardship Initiative April 30-May 1, 2008 Scott Cassel, PSI Executive Director/Founder
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 2 THANK YOU to our sponsors! oKW Plastics/KW Container oVeolia Environmental Services oAmazon Environmental oLaurentide/Paint Recycling Company oNational Paint and Coatings Association
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 3 THANK YOU to our meeting coordinators! Leslie Wilson, SWMCB MN Alicia MBenga, Product Stewardship Institute
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 4 Key Dates oSept – PSI presentation to NPCA Committee oSept – Completion of Paint Action Plan oSept – Completion of 4 meetings oMarch 15, 2005 – 1 st MOU Signed oMarch 15, 2007 – end of 2-year 1 st MOU oMarch 21, 2007 – NPCA Board Resolution oOct – 2 nd MOU Final oNov – start of 3-year 2 nd MOU oWinter/spring 2008 – legislation introduced in MN
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 5 1 st MOU Project Portfolio 1.Source Reduction Survey/Pilot 2.Reuse Manual/Pilot 3.Infrastructure Report 4.Recycled Paint Standard 5.Recycled Paint Marketing 6.Recycled Paint Regulatory Issues - White Paper 7.Sustainable financing options 8.Lifecycle Assessment and Cost/Benefit Analysis (LCA/CBA)
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 6 The Purpose of the Projects Demonstrate the potential to reduce the volume of leftover paint and the cost of managing leftover paint; Increase the use of leftover paint as a resource; Increase government and private purchase of products made from leftover paint.
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 7 Since Last Meeting 2 nd MOU Finalized – 45 signatures Full steam on Demonstration Committee and Evaluation Committee (36 members) Demonstration Project Work Plan Restarted LCA/CBA project with path to completion Financing legislation introduced in MN Legislature
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 8 MN Meeting Objectives Update on all aspects of project Feedback on project next steps Integrate MN stakeholders into national dialogue Evaluate project status and funding Prepare for roll-out to WA, OR, VT and other states Set date/location for next meeting
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 9 2 nd Paint MOU Timeline November 1, 2007 – 2nd MOU Effective Date November 2007 to July 1, 2008 – Design and develop a Paint Stewardship Organization (PSO) and Minnesota Demonstration Project using “up-front funding” from NPCA until sustainable “consumer-based cost-recovery financing system” is put in place. January 1, 2008 – Finalize performance goals for the Demonstration Project, including education, source reduction, reuse, collection, and recycling markets.
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 10 2 nd Paint MOU Timeline July 1, 2008 – Implement consumer-based cost-recovery financing system and Minnesota Demonstration Project. Cover costs of MN Demonstration Project, as well as the system roll-out to other states Roll out to other states: July 2009 Oregon, Washington, and Vermont January 2010 California July 2010 Iowa, Florida, North Carolina, and Connecticut
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 11 2 nd Paint MOU Timeline October March 2009 – Evaluate the Demonstration Project Develop a schedule for extending the nationally-coordinated system to all other states by no later than January 1, 2010 November 1, 2010 – 2 nd MOU ends
April 30-May 1, 2008 St. Paul, MN 12 2 nd Paint MOU Timeline By January 1, 2010, as an addendum to the MOU: –Roles of PPSI dialogue participants after this MOU ends on November 1, 2010 –Revisit governance structure of the Paint stewardship Organization. –Performance goals for the nationally-coordinated, leftover paint management system (e.g., reduction, reuse, collection, and recycling). –Timeline for implementation of the nationally-coordinated leftover paint management system in all other states