“ Who do you think you are?” Welcome to St Pauls Summer School 2013
St Pauls Summer School Session 5 July 17 th Changing Century Changing Future! 1950 onwards
1. The Landscape of our Times
(a) Post- Modernism
God centred world view to a man centred world view Collective perspective to an individual perspective Collective responsibility to personal autonomy A big story to a series of side shows
Public truth and morality to privatised morality Certainty to doubt
( b) The Age of Aquarius – New Age Spirituality
“I have no compass and I have no map And I have no reason, to reason to get back And I have no religion and I don’t know what’s what And I don’t know the limit- the limit of what I’ve got”
Three Common Threads! Common History Common Theology Common Philosophy
2.The Challenges of our Times Post Modernism Existentialism Secularization Pluralism The Gay Issue Liberalism Aggressive Rationalism Consumerism Materialism Hedonism
3 Internal Stresses of the Modern Church
(a) The decline in church attendance By 2030 there will be one third less Anglicans than there are now
(b) Fragmentation and Consumerism
(c) Ageing Demographics In 1980 the average age of Anglicans was 36. Now it is 61 !
(d) Loss of Children and Young People For every 100 children in the churches in 1930 there are now less than 9
(e) Breakdown of the Parish Model
(f) Neighbourhood to Network Churches
4. New Developments and Changes (a) Church Growth
(b) Global Expansion of Christianity
(c) Charismatic Movement
(d) Process Evangelism
(e) Catholic Renewal and a new Ecumenism
(f) Festival Faith
(g) Resource Diversity and Specialist Ministries
(h) Digital Communication and the Media
(i) Contemplative and Community Life
(j) Music, Art, Colour
(k) Women in Leadership
(l) Multiple Translations of the Bible
5. Fresh Expressions
6. What of the future? – A Baker’s dozen! 1. Eventful worship 2. Accessible language and liturgy 3. Young people and all-age worship 4. A culture of welcome 5. Clear biblical teaching 6. Commitment to prayer 7. Shared leadership and ministry
8. Small groups 9. Process evangelism 10. Social and community involvement 11. Concern for the wider church 12. Multi-congregational models 13. VISION!
“I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” Jesus
Questions 1.What have been the key elements for you in the story of the church? 2. What lessons from our past to we need to learn for the future? 3. What are the key challenges for the Church today? 4. Why not turn these issues into prayer as we finish!