Jesus the Master Planter Chapter 1 The GOSPEL ECC Church Plant Training The Message and Mission of Jesus should shape the Message and Mission of every church we plant.
The Message of Jesus 1.To Forgive our Sins and Reconcile us with God. 2.To Destroy the Power of Satan and deliver people from bondage. 3.To Change Hearts of Stone into Hearts of Flesh. 4.To Treat People with Compassion and Justice as God’s Loved Creation. 5.To Invite and Summon People to Become the New People of God.
The Mission of Jesus 1.To be the Sacrifice for the Sins of the Whole World on the CROSS. 2.To fight the decisive battle with Satan triumphing through the GRAVE. 3.To be authenticated as the Son of God through the RESURRECTION. 4.To challenge earthly powers and principalities through His ASCENSION. 5.To establish His Church as the New People of God through the Day of PENTECOST.
Team Application Discuss: How will our world meet Jesus? How will they experience his living power? Who will communicate this story? How will they hear it in a way they understand?
The Message and Mission of the Church 1.The church is to proclaim the message of forgiveness in Christ, which produces reconciliation with God. This is called EVANGELISM. It happens publicly and personally when people are loved by and confronted with Jesus— his message and mission. 2.The church is to help people break the bonds that hold and oppress them, helping restore in them God’s original creation. This is called MINISTRY. This happens through prayer, healing, and practical help that leads to a restored image of God.
Message and Mission of the Church p 2 3. The church is to help people live a new, resurrected life in Christ, through the filling and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. This is called SPIRITUAL FORMATION. It happens through teaching, Bible study, spiritual disciplines, and mentoring. 4. The church is to be a countercultural force in the community, nation, and world. This is called LOVE. It happens locally, regionally, and globally through compassion, mercy, righteousness, and justice.
Message and Mission of the Church p 3 5. The church is to be God’s community of broken-yet- healing people that provides love, support, and accountability for each other. This is called TRUE COMMUNITY. It happens through love, worship, fellowship, feasting, and Holy Communion, and multiplies through church planting. 5 Examples
Jesus the Master Planter Discuss: What are ways your new church can live out each of the 5 Messages and Missions of the Church?