Welcome and planning September 2015
CONGRATULATIONS ! You made it ! Into a very select group of selected participants By convincing us about your professional quality and potential But : you have to fulfill high expectations… IT in libraries is a very challenging and dynamic field ‘Spread the word’ -> multiplication effect in your own professional environment
Overview Personal introductions Urgent practical issues ? Some brief history ( ) General contents of the program The main elements (clusters) Evaluation and certificate The projects Laptops Any other upcoming issues …? Discussion
Personal introductions About myself… About you See initial assessment questionnaire Quick round-up About the poster session : To present yourself towards your colleagues lecturers and other interested
Where is who/what ? Classrooms : D019/D017 or nearby Mieke Vermeire’s office : B101 Egbert de Smet’s office : BL14/005 Restaurant, student services etc. : see info files on memorystick Sint-Rochusstraat/ITG : 20 mins walk (see map) or use tram 4 or 7 with 10-trips card
Urgent practical issues ? Registrations : UA, network, bank Rooms Well managed, please keep clean Most equipment available... Missing things ? → MV Internet availability (wifi) : OK ? Scholarship payments by bank- account (activation needed) with advancement 300,-EUR Tu 29/9 Phone calls : SIM-cards, internet
general data Follower-up to STIMULATE ITP, VUB Moved to Antwerp Univ with more emphasis on IT&WWW-technology : libraries and/for/on the web Approved for (4 sessions) – unsure 2016 ?Promoter : E. de Smet Inter-university Steering Committee Part-time administrative co- ordination : Mieke Vermeire (MV)
Brief history on Predecessor : 10 sessions of STIMULATE at VUB some more ‘pre-decessors’ have been running MIST (1-4) KNOWHOW STIMIUC 2009 for IUC-partners only 1 st session Antwerp 2012 So at least we have experience of more than 16 sessions!
General planning ‘classes’ mostly in room D019/017 But : check online schedule every day.. Self-study activities ! Trips Professional (library visits) Social/cultural (weekends/evenings) See: schedule online !
Main contents/clusters Web techniques (basic and intermediate HTML techniques : text- and lay-out elements, tables, hyperlinks, multimedia, forms, XML : DTD’s, XSL, examples of XML-applications, dynamic webpages, scripting (PHP/ASP) and database-CGI environments) Internet information resources and their use (free accessible information resources, search engines and their techniques, specialised databases) Documentary databases (theoretic aspects, example : the ISIS software environment and ABCD (database design, data entry, indexing, searching, formatting, multimedia and multidatabase) Open Access & Free and Open Source Software, e.g. OJS, WordPress Electronic documents : technology (formats), images, digitisation, access and management (electronic Journals : sources and access methods, integration into virtual library environment and management issues (consortia, budgets), publishing of electronic documents) Repositories : subject- and institutional based, Dspace, Vivo Library automation (ABCD) and FOSS ILS (Koha, PMB) Special topics : security issues, metadata, ontologies E-learning platforms and libraries : Moodle, Canvas Visits and practical confrontation with Flemish University Libraries
The project preparation December last weeks of the ITP will be highly devoted to own practical work preparing small project and presentation of its results (on 18/12) Any technology can be chosen from the programme Guidance will be available, either f2f (but limited) or by e- mail from the A report, max. 10p., has to be written en sent-in A presentation max. 15 mins. has to be made and presented (18/12)
Evaluation Course evaluating participants : Assignment : project to prepare a small application and demo, e.g. Library automation (ABCD, KOHA, …) Repository with dSpace Documentary Databases (J-ISIS) E-Learning Website SEE DEDICATED INSTRUCTIONS Participants evaluating course ! – Mid-term evaluation group-discussion – 18/12 formal evaluation questionnaire
The certificate 2 options on Certificate statement : ‘has participated’ ‘has successfully participated’ Depending on evaluation (see above) Please indicate your option on initial assessment form
The laptops Most necessary 'didactic equipment' Windows (or Linux) : no special requirements, except : anti-virus ! Installation issues : registration in UA- network Wireless access within campus Facilities : , website (to be detailed) Buying a laptop ? New Second-hand Beware : QWERTY keyboard are non- standard in Belgium
Any other issues upcoming ?
Discussion questions Questions : How does fit into your professional situation ? ICT in your prof. environment ?? Management of change ? How does fit into your personal career planning ? ‘professional mobility’ ? Promotion (or frustration) ? Which outcomes do you expect ? Which type of knowledge, on top of experiences, to be gathered ? Which guidance needed ? Assignment ? Certificate… Which software is relevant to you ? Which software is already used ? To which extent ? Which software is already known ? (Which version : DOS, Windows, WWW ?) For library automation and/or information management ? FOSS ? – Which elements seem to be missing ? Feedback !