Fractions, Decimals & Percents Key Learning: Fractions, decimals & percents can be used interchangeably. The rules & relationships that govern whole numbers govern all numbers. In order to add or subtract fractions you must have common denominators. Products may be larger, smaller or equal to their factors. Quotients may be larger, smaller or equal to the dividend or divisor. Ratios use division to represent relationships between two quantities.
EQ: How can I use rational numbers to solve problems?
Concept: Arithmetic with Rational Numbers How can I find a common denominator & why do I need one? When I +-*/ fractions, how can I check my answer? When does multiplying produce a smaller product? When does division produce a larger quotient? How can I tell which form of rational number to use?
Vocabulary Fraction- a part of a whole Denominator- the bottom of a fraction that represents the total amount Numerator- top of a fraction that represents the partial amount Decimal- a number pertaining to tenths or the number 10 Percent- a ratio comparing a number to 100 Quotient- answer to a division problem Product- answer to a multiplication problem Equivalent- equal