Tools for Engaging with Members Leadership Conference 2016
Membership is Vital for our Future
So how do we support it…? Part of being a member is knowing what you’re a member of… It is being able to participate in multiple ways It should allow you to add who you are
Communication! How is this possible?
Communicating today Central Mothers’ Union Website eNewsletter Social Media Speakers Official correspondence Publications Conferences General Meeting Dioceses Websites Newsletters Social Media Speakers Church bulletins Branch meetings Events OUT IN
How far can MSH reach? 72,000 Members in Britain & Ireland We can contact 28% of our Members
What is this like for the Member?
1.I never saw/heard that… 1.What do you mean you don’t know who I am? I’ve been a member for 30 years…! 1.I’d like to buy a goat for a Christmas present please
As we try to reach as many members as possible we use as many channels of communication as possible. Different people receive the information first hand, second hand, third hand, etc This then begins a stage of message correction… every time.
HOW CAN WE ADDRESS THIS? Coleen Starkey – The Development of Publications
2004 Publications
2004 Home & Family Quarterly Paid for Publications
2008 Mothers’ Union rebranded 2009 Families First & Families Worldwide were born Publications
Families First Publications
Families Worldwide Publications
Families First x 6 Families Worldwide x 2 Publications
Effective Communication Replaced: Encompass Prayer Diary Policy Watch Publications
Subscriptions Home & Family/Families First declined from: 68,000 in2000 (125,557) 19,593 in2015 ( 69,000) 28% of our current B&I membership Publications
Families Worldwide Currently distributed in bulk 60,000 – UK & Ireland Publications
Moving forward What if? Publications
Membership magazine Produced for our membership Input from our membership Sharing the same vision and goals on a global basis Strategy to reach as many of our members globally as is possible by 2020? Publications
Effective Communication What if? Publications
We sent out a survey to our membership WORLDWIDE? Via PP’s and DP’s English & French 31 st July Publications
Effective Communication A truly global view of what our membership needs from a communication tool? Publications
Possibility of producing this new publication in 4 languages? English Swahili French Portuguese Publications
Effective Communication What if? Publications
We begin this journey: Paper copy - B&I members Through your letter box Up to 4 times a year (relevant) Publications
Initially: Introduce a downloadable online digital version 4 languages Printed and distributed locally - globally Publications
App Families First App Launching 20 th June July/August edition Free for first 2 issues Publications
Amazing - reach all our members with the same information Share resources Encourage Inform Celebrate Publications
Surveys returned by 31 st July Feedback collated Report back to trustees Feedback to membership on how we move forward Need to know who you are to be able to get this communication tool to you Which leads us onto …… Publications
Effective Communication THANK YOU! Publications
THE DATA ISSUE Evangeline Price
- We need to communicate our messages to all our members -We have communication channels but we cannot rely on them - Our members are leaving Old question, no solutions
- Our income is slowly but steadily reducing - We do not know what our members are doing -Our members do not know what we do Old question, no solutions
- We can carry on and hope for the best - Bring in income without knowing what our members do or feel - We can ignore our members and work without them - We can communicate using indirect methods and hope for the best What options do we have
How many of you belong to an organisation, but have refused to tell it about yourself Because of various activities, such as Families First and other communication we already have around 40,000 members on our database
How many of you have first hand experience of MSH misusing your personal data There are laws that protect individuals from such misuse. We can be penalised if we are found to be in breach of Data Protection
If we are found to have misused personal data given to us, our charity registration can be revoked Is that a risk worth taking for our reputation and our future wellbeing
However – without good information and good understanding, mistakes can be made. If we have done something, please LET US know, and we will do our VERY BEST to correct it, but please talk directly to us and let us know.
If we know who our members are, and what their wishes are We can communicate with you making sure we respect your wishes – AND WE WILL All we ask is give us a chance and PLEASE, PLEASE - LET US MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER A good solution