Requirements for scaling up partnership for ecosystem- based management - With special focus on roles and needs of NGOs in ecosystem management TOBAI, Sadayosi WWF Japan (2 nd Yellow Sea Regional Science Conference, Feb. 26 th, 2010)
Outlines Topic 1: Current status of participation by and support to NGOs ( ) Topic 2: Current management actions taken by NGOs for ecosystem management ( ) Topic 3: Future Roles by NGOs for management (2010-) Topic 4: Future needs of NGOs for effective management (2010-)
Outlines Topic 1: Current status of participation by and support to NGOs ( ) Topic 2: Current management actions taken by NGOs for ecosystem management ( ) Topic 3: Future Roles by NGOs for management (2010-) Topic 4: Future needs of NGOs for effective management (2010-)
Current status of participation by NGOs in YSLME project Policy level Participation in TDA and SAP processes (2005-9) A few limited number of international NGOs actively contributed Management actions level Participation in small grant programme (2006-8) Over 15 NGOs and other local groups from China and Korea participated Participation in demonstration of management actions (2009) some NGOs and other local groups from China and Korea participated at local management actions (habitat mngt)
Participation in Yellow Sea Partnership (2006-) Over 20 NGOs jointed and more groups participated in YSP meetings Governance level (2005-) Participation in Project Steering Committee as observer
Current support to NGOs for management actions ( ) Small grants YSLME small grant (2006,7,8) (cir. USD10,000)(14 projects) YSESP (WWF & KORDI) small grant (2008, 2009) (cir. USD6,000-10,000)(16 projects) Networking Yellow Sea Partnership meeting of NGOs (2006,7,8) Small grant recipient forums (2009,10)
Ecosystem management activities by NGOs in 2008 (left) and 2009 (right) Groups supported by YSESP small grants
Outlines Topic 1: Current status of participation by and support to NGOs ( ) Topic 2: Current management actions taken by NGOs for ecosystem management ( ) Topic 3: Future Roles by NGOs for management (2010-) Topic 4: Future needs of NGOs for effective management (2010-)
Management action 1) Raising awareness Example from China: Action by university students Targeting: School children Restaurant owners Early results awareness on existence of endangered sp. raised Awareness on laws and regulations on endangered spp. raised Financial support by YSES
Management action 2) Promoting sustainable uses Example from Korea: Action by local environmental NGO Targeting: Local fishermen, salt farm owner Tourists from Seoul area Early results Local tourism plan produced and tried. Financial support by YSESP
Management action 3) Enhancing cultural values Examples from Korea: Action by national environmental NGO Targets: Local fishers (women) Early results A Korean traditional dance (Madang) produced and played locally and nationally Financial support by YSESP
Management action 4) Producing scientific data Examples from China Action by local university and local government Targets: Black-faced spoonbill and its habitat Early results Census conducted and feeding areas identified Financial support by YSESP
Management action 5) critical habitat assessment Example at ecosystem scale By international NGO and research institute objective: Identify most important areas for biodiversity management Early results Map of 23 most important areas of habitats produced Incorporation into YSLME TDA and SAP conduced by YSEPP (WWF/ KORDI/ KEI)
Joint planning for a single strategy
Management action 6) habitat management effectiveness assessment Example at ecosystem scale Action by international NGO and research institute objectives: Identify areas for demonstration of biodiversity management actions Early results Representative habitats including MPAs in China and in Korea assessed China and Korea habitat management demo sites selected conduced jointly by YSLME and YSESP (WWF/KORDI)
Yalu River Estuary Representative habitat type: Estuary Intertidal flat Rongcheng Coastal Region Representative habitat type: Seagrass bed feasibility scoring of ecosystem-based management
Locations of 10 representative habitats in the west coast of Korea Habitat TypesLocations Permanent shallow marine waters Garolim Bay Marine subtidal aquatic beds Dumunjin Coral reefsMunseom in Jeju Rocky marine shoresCheonripo-Padori Sand, shingle or Pebble shore Sinduri Sand Beach, Sinduri Sand Dune, Koddol Beach Estuarine watersHan River Estuary Intertidal mud, sand or salt flats Southern mud flat of Gangwha Is Intertidal marshesSeocheon Salt Marsh Intertidal forested wetlands Janghang wetland forest in Han River Coastal brackish/ saline lagoons Lake Shihwa
Outlines Topic 1: Current status of participation by and support to NGOs ( ) Topic 2: Current management actions taken by NGOs for ecosystem management ( ) Topic 3: Future Roles by NGOs for management (2010-) Topic 4: Future needs of NGOs for effective management (2010-)
Keys to success in implementation of management actions Keys to successful implementation of management actions in SAP Regional SAP > management actions approved and funded Scientific tools and data being generated National SAP > management actions approved and funded Local SAP > (where and by whom?) Voluntary actions? Funding? management actions at local level = by local stakeholders
3 roles by NGOs for ecosystem management Role 1: To encourage local government’s participation in SAP’ management action Example in China Action by international NGO Local stakeholders: Liaoning provincial government Dandong city government Early results Ecosystem-based management of coastal habitat project initiated ( )
3 roles by NGOs for ecosystem management Role 2: To involve scientists in science-based management of habitat Example in Korea Action by NGO Local stakeholders: Muan local government/ Muan local fishing community Scientists involved Universities and research institutes (ecology, culture etc.) Early results (planned) A local scientific study group (Muan Getbol Forum) will advise local stakeholders on management.
Outlines Topic 1: Current status of participation by and support to NGOs ( ) Topic 2: Current management actions taken by NGOs for ecosystem management ( ) Topic 3: Future Roles by NGOs for management (2010-) Topic 4: Future needs of NGOs for effective management (2010-)
3 needs by NGOs for effective ecosystem management Need 1: Regular forum to share lessons Objective: to share field experiences and lessons learnt from ecosystem management Example: annual regional meetings of habitat management practitioners including NGOs and local stakeholders Early examples Yellow Sea Partner meetings by YSLME (2006,7,8) Small grant recipient meetings by YSESP (2009, 2010) a follow-up Korean national meeting organised by NGOs (in Korea, 2009) Yellow Sea MPA network meeting by YSLME (2009)
3 needs by NGOs for effective ecosystem management Need 2: financial support to local initiatives Objective: to initiate local SAP implementation with local stakeholders through initiatives and projects. Earlier examples Small grant scheme (cir. USD10,000/project) by YSLME (2006,7,8) Small grant scheme (cir. USD6,000-10,000/project) by YSESP (2008, 2009) Demonstration site projects (cir. USD150,000/project) by YSESP ( )
3 needs by NGOs for effective ecosystem management Need 3: formal participation in governance mechanism Representation of NGO in governance mechanism of the Yellow Sea Commission Objective: To formally recognise roles and needs of NGOs in effective ecosystem management of the Yellow Sea To encourage and ensure good links between the regional/national SAPs and local management actions Earlier Examples NGO’s participation in the YSLME Project Steering Committee as observer (informal participation)