The SPF and the need for coordination mechanism at global and national level Technical Workshop on ‘Integrating Social Policies and the Delivery of Social.


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Presentation transcript:

The SPF and the need for coordination mechanism at global and national level Technical Workshop on ‘Integrating Social Policies and the Delivery of Social Protection Floors’ Siem Reap, Cambodia, 29-31May 2013 Christine Bockstal ILO Social Protection Department, Geneva

The global (UN) Social Protection Floor Initiative Created in April 2009 by the UN CEB as one of nine joint crisis response initiatives Global coalition of various agencies and development partners Objective: Promote universal access to –essential services (health, education, housing, etc.) –social transfers in cash or in kind, to ensure income security, food security, adequate nutrition, and access to essential services. High-level advisory group chaired by Michelle Bachelet Report: Social protection floors for a fair and inclusive globalization, 2011 Global lead agencies: ILO, WHO. Coalition Members: UNESCAP, UNCEPAL, UN Habitat, UNAIDS, UNDESA, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNODC, UNRWA, UNWOMEN, WFP, WMO, FAO, OHCHR, UNFPA, IMF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Commission, OECD, SIDA (Sweden), the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Finland, GIZ (Germany), GIP SPSI, Education and Solidarity Network, HelpAge International, International Council of Social Welfare, NGO Committee for Social Development, Save the Children, Concern...

Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation – Board (SPIAC-B) Responds to the G20 call (2012) for enhancing global coordination on social protection and for international cooperation in country demand-driven actions Light, lean and agile interagency coordination mechanism Chaired jointly by the ILO and the World Bank Composed by representatives of IOs, bilateral institutions, as well as international NGOs (as observers): IADB, IMF, FAO, OECD, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, WFP, (… ), Australia, Belgium, EU, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, US, UK (…) ISSA, FES, ITUC, Save the Children, Helpage (….) The Board agreed to work together to promote the role of social protection to achieve in a consistent and coherent way objectives related to poverty eradication, creation of decent jobs, reduction of inequalities, food security, health and to create more inclusive and sustainable development pathways.

Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation – Board (SPIAC-B) Areas of cooperation and possible outcomes: International cooperation in country demand-driven actions:  National action plans in self-selected partner countries  Developing common assessment tools - SPARCS (Social Protection Assessment of Results and Country Systems) framework serving as a platform for interagency cooperation at the national level, including tools developed by different agencies participating agencies  Social Protection Matrix: Inventory of Country-led cooperation activities Social protection data harmonization Knowledge sharing and capacity building Global coordination, research and advocacy – The inter-agency group discussed a roadmap for positioning social protection within the post-2015 agenda

Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation – Board (SPIAC-B) Achievements: 1. Cooperation:  More harmonized understanding of the concept of SP  Real commitment to collaborate at national, regional and global level on SP issues BUT recognize decentralized organization structure 2. Vision: SPF concept in strategies/frameworks (SP a priority) 3. Advocacy: SP on the international agenda (MDG summit 2010, G20, UNCSOCD resolution 2011, ECOSOC AMR 2012,…) 4. Involvement civil society 5. Knowledge sharing (data harmonization, tools,) 6. Inter-Agency cooperation at the country level: Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Mozambique,… 7. Communication: videos, gateway website, …

Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation – Board (SPIAC-B) SPARCS - Social Protection Assessment of Results and Country Systems: A framework serving as a platform for interagency cooperation at the national level, including tools developed by different agencies participating agencies. To improve the performance of Social Protection and Labor (SPL) systems by creating an “open source” platform for collaboration, based on defining and assessing key system metrics and outcomes. A set of assessment tools and assessment data to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of SPL systems and to guide their improvements. First workshop in June 2013, Washington – organized by WB


UN/RTG Team on social protection Royal Thai Government group MSDHS (co-chair) Ministries of Labour, Public Health, Education, Finance, Budget Bureau NESDB National Commission on Social Welfare Statistics Office Academia, Civil Society, Workers and employers representatives UN SPF Team ILO (co-chair) UNICEF UNDP UNFPA WHO UN WOMEN UNESCO UN RCO FAO, WB, IOM, UNHCR The UN/RTG joint team on SP in the framework of the UNPAF on Social Protection, Thailand

Main achievements of the UN/RTG in Thailand Social Protection Assessment report Capacity building & awareness raising Coordination of the UNPAF on social protection Now jointly supporting the implementation of the recommendations from the Assessment report

Coordination mechanisms on social protection in Cambodia (examples) Concept Design, costing, ROR, etc. Support to the pilot-testing NSPS NSSF INTER- MINISTERIAL TASKFORCE (health, interior, social affairs, labour, planning, education, NCDD) I.W.G. ILO UNICE F WFP (co- chair) WB UND P GIZ CARD P4H ILO WHO AfD GIZ MOL/ NSSF NSPS

11 South-South and triangular cooperation to support countries with the implementation of gender sensitive Social Protection Floors

Origins 12 In April 2009, the UN Chief Executive Board established the Social Protection Floor (SPF) Initiative as one of 9 initiatives Nairobi Outcome Document on South-South Cooperation Increased collaboration ILO - Special Unit for South-South Cooperation and greater ILO involvement in South-South cooperation …18 case studies on SPF, South South development expo,…

Design and implementation 13 The project provide country-tailored support through facilitating South-South and triangular cooperation between countries and other partners that have acquired expertise in a particular area related to the design and implementation of Social Protection Floors (SPF), with those countries that are currently seeking for assistance to overcome a particular challenge in their efforts of reforming, designing or implementing their SPF policies. Where? Cambodia, Lao PDR, Benin, Burkina Faso, Togo… Partners from the South Representatives from China, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Thailand…

Aims 14 To improve access of the population, particularly vulnerable groups, to a basic level of social transfers and services Strengthen national capacities of technical ministries and their partners, to plan, design, deliver or implement selected SPF components Improve South-South cooperation through facilitating the sharing of experiences Build national technical capacities Stakeholders in the various participating countries use the internet platforms for evidence based policy Raise awareness and provide evidence base

Aim of activities in Cambodia and Lao PDR In 2012 and 2013, the South South project is facilitating South- South sharing to support for example : Cambodia The design of a coordination mechanism or Single Window Service (SWS) called also SSDM The development of a digital Management Information System for the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Health Insurance System. Lao PDR The extension of social protection (a Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue Assessment, costing and development of policy options and scenarios). 15

Aim of activities in West Africa In West Africa the project is facilitating South-South sharing to support: Togo The national committee on social protection in charge of the elaboration of the National Social Protection Strategy with the development of coordinated social protection schemes. Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Senegal The development of strategies to extend health protection coverage (in collaboration also with WHO). 16

17 For more information : GESS (Global Extension of Social Security): GSSD (Global South-South Development Academy):