Which alternative energy source has the most potential for North Carolina? Which source comes in second?
2.8 Critique the advantages and disadvantages of traditional agriculture/aquaculture techniques and compare with sustainable agriculture/aquaculture techniques. Include the economics and environmental impacts in this comparison. 2.8 Judge potential impacts of sustainable techniques on environmental quality (include magnitude, duration, frequency).
Pros Less time Don’t have to pay as many workers May get more of one crop Cons Typically only grow one crop (monoculture) Often uses slash and burn Deplete soil nutrients (Need to farm somewhere else after a season or two) Possible pollution from use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers Need to constantly buy chemicals and seeds
Pros Natural, continually replenishing nutrients in the soil Extends the “life of the land” Don’t need to buy chemical pesticides and fertilizers Cons Takes time and attention to crops to be proactive about problems Hard to do on a large scale (Note: This is just a test plot)
Common Practices Aquaculture Intercropping Crop rotation Companion Planting Trap crops
Farming aquatic species, commonly salmon, shrimp, tilapia, oysters. Pros: Protein source can be grown in areas with poor soil (NEED clay soil) If Sustainable: Integrated systems can be used Barnacles growing on the nets filter fish waste and can be scraped off and fed to the fish Fish can be farmed in rice tanks: fish fertilize rice and both can be harvested
Marine or open water aquaculture has its risks if not sustainable. Cons: >>
The practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year, to avoid exhausting the soil. Applies to plants and animals (cows, etc) Pros Nitrogen fixation (beans) replenish soil nutrients Different types of crops use different nutrients Cons Need to replant, change layout
The practice of growing two or more different crops at the same time on a plot. ex/ a carbohydrate-rich grain that depletes soil nitrogen and a protein-rich legume that adds nitrogen to the soil Pro: Use space more efficiently Grow a greater variety of crops No need to rotate crops Con: Harder to harvest on a large scale
The practice of planting specific plant together to help deter insects or to attract insects away from crops of interest Pros Plants do the work (“fertilize” each other) Cons Need to know what crops grow well together and which ones to avoid
A plant that attracts agricultural pests, usually insects, away from nearby crops Pros: Insects won’t get to main crop Cons: Need to take time and space to plant a crop you won’t harvest
Peace Corps Volunteer from Panama started a NGO (NonGovernment Organization) called Sustainable Harvest International (Cosecha Sustenible) Subtitles Need 10 facts
Create an eye-catching, interesting, and creative ad promoting one of the sustainable agriculture techniques. Poster should include: Name of technique How it’s done Why it’s beneficial Poster should NOT just be a list of facts. BE CREATIVE!