A Participatory Action Research on School- and Community-based Food and Nutrition Program for Literacy, Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development SEAMEO College Research 6
OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Overview of the SCBFNP Highlights of Accomplishments in Phase 1 (funded by the SEAMEO-ADB) Issues and Challenges Recommendations for Moving Forward Counterpart Resources
OBJECTIVES General Objective Improve nutritional condition and dietary habits of school-aged children and contribute to community’s food and nutrition security
OBJECTIVES Specific Objectives 1.Increase diversity and availability of food within the local community that will meet the nutritional needs of children 2.Increase knowledge & improve skills of students and teachers on food production & nutrition through experiential learning activities 3.Reduce food expenses, create savings, and provide alternative source of income for families
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK National Greening Program Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change Solid Waste Management Organic Agriculture Improved Food and Nutrition Security School feeding program Improve food diversity Increase availability of nutritious food Livelihood prospects Savings in school feeding programs Household & community consumption SCHOOL GARDEN NUTRITION ECONOMICS EDUCATION New and locally adapted “green technologies” Improved learning and school performance Experiential learning for students Capacity building through training of pupils/ students, teachers, parents Active participation of the community
DISTINCT FEATURES Garden-based education and nutrition program Multi-stakeholder Participatory process Pilot action research
Highlights of Accomplishments of Phase 1 (Preliminary Phase funded by SEAMEO-ADB and SEARCA)
ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1 1.Six partner schools (5 elementary and 1 secondary school) in Laguna identified based on a set of criteria Coordination with Project Partners 9 Pedro Guevara Memorial National High School Majayjay Elementary School Crisanto Guysayko Memorial Elementary School Cabuyao Central School San Andres Elementary School Labuin Elementary School
ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1 2.Baseline assessment of the partner schools conducted in March 2016 Coordination with Project Partners Partner Schools in Laguna Province Range of Student Population per School Total No. of Students under SBFP* % of Total School Population under SBFP Size of Existing Gardens (m2) 5 Elementary Schools , ,800 1 Secondary School (For Grade 7 only) 2, %600 *SBFP: School-based Feeding Program of DepEd
3.Seminar - workshop on School Garden Planning conducted on April in 2016 Outputs: 6 School Garden plans for 100 m 2 integrated in the existing gardens per school 6 Action Plans for the implementation and maintenance of the school gardens ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1 Setting up the School Gardens
Sample School Garden Designs
A teacher-participant presenting their School Garden Action Plan
4.Garden structures and farm inputs were acquired and distributed to the partner schools: Mini-greenhouse (5mx4m) serving as seeds/planting materials nursery, with rainwater collection system Garden tools and cabinet; seedling nursery table, seeds, planting materials and initial and organic fertilizers ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1
Mini Greenhouse
16 Garden Tools and Inputs
5.Reviewed DepEd Basic Education Curriculum for target Grades 4 and 7 6.Lesson Plans are being finalized for Grades 4 and 7 integrating nutrition, organic agriculture, and climate change concepts in Science, Math, English, Home Economics, and Technology and Livelihood Entrepreneurship. Target output is a Teacher’s Manual to be pilot tested from June to Dec 2016 ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1 Curriculum Improvement
7.Conducted a baseline study on the nutrition component 8.Conducted a training on Nutrition for the School Gardens Project ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1 Setting up the Action Research
9.Conducted a Planning Workshop and Orientation of key stakeholders (26 January 2016) Outputs: Simplified Logical Framework; 4 Action Plans (Education, Nutrition, Economics, Sustainability) ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1 Project Management/Implementation/M&E
10. Prepared an Inception Report Highlights: Logical and Conceptual Frameworks updated to promote both school and home gardens, and actively involve community-based organizations; Recommendations to improve institutional sustainability of the program 20 ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1 Project Management/Implementation/M&E
11.Conducted a Workshop on School Garden Project Monitoring and Evaluation Planning (15 Apr 2016) Highlights: Active participation of partner schools, village-based health and nutrition service providers and LGUs in updating the Logical Framework; Project Monitoring and Evaluation indicators and targets were identified 12. MOA among partner institutions was forged ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN PHASE 1 Project Management/Implementation/M&E
Issues and Challenges Strategies to Overcome Challenges 1.Filling up the gap in children’s food and nutrition needs for the whole year. Involve families and the community in self- sufficient food production Build strong partnerships and harmonize program activities with other government programs of DA, DSWD, DILG related to food and nutrition self- sufficiency.
ConcernsJJASONDJFMAM Academic School Yearoooooooooo School-based feeding program (120 days) for wasted and severely wasted students ooo o Nutritional status of wasted and severely wasted students ??√√√ √ ?????? Gap in food and nutritionxxxxxxxx Realities of School-based Feeding Program
Issues and Challenges Strategies to Overcome Challenges 2.Some parents become dependent on the school feeding program for their children instead of putting extra effort to be food self-sufficient in their homes. Create awareness, provide skills training and values strengthening among parents and the community
Issues and Challenges Strategies to Overcome Challenges 3. Many adolescents in secondary schools are self-conscious and shy away from school feeding programs even if they are malnourished and hungry. 4. Malnourishment leads to poor school performance, poor health, increased drop-out rates, and other negative consequences. Build knowledge and practical skills on food production and nutrition Create awareness and opportunities for them to pursue careers in agriculture and food enterprises.
Issues and ChallengesStrategies to Overcome Challenges 5. Establishing active partnership with the households and community is vital for long term success BUT this process takes time. The remaining 7 months is not enough to have sustainable accomplishments on this aspect. Consider to extend project duration and explore additional funding sources
Issues and Challenges Strategies to Overcome Challenges 6.Because the project ends in Dec 2016, the teacher’s pilot manual will cover only 3 grading periods thus leaving out the 4th and last grading period in March Thus the evaluation of outcomes does not cover the whole school year. Consider to extend project duration until end of the school year.
Issues and Challenges Strategies to Overcome Challenges 7. Some school equipment for height and weight measurement are outdated, defective or lacking thus collection of basic anthropometric data is compromised. These equipment are expensive to replace. Alert DepEd Encourage them to source funds to improve their basic equipment for proper data collection
Issues and Challenges Strategies to Overcome Challenges 8. Teachers have varied capacity in taking anthropometric data which may compromise data quality. Conduct training for teachers on proper data collection techniques Regularly monitor data collection activities
Issues and Challenges Strategies to Overcome Challenges 9. Some DepEd procedures in the procurement of food for the school-based feeding program constrains the possibility to purchase locally-grown food in the community. Dialogue with concerned DepEd officials to promote purchase and consumption of locally grown food in the community. This will also help grow the local economy and reduce carbon foot print.
MOVING FORWARD Recommendations
RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Continue with the initial steps to build institutional sustainability of the project 2.Consider the specific strategies presented earlier to overcome challenges 3.Promote values of active participation, joint responsibilities and benefit-sharing among stakeholders. 4.Closely monitor, evaluate and document program progress and accomplishment s in Phases 2 &3
5.Exchange information, experiences and good practices with our Indonesia counterpart (led by BIOTROP) 6.Identify strategies how to scale-up sustainable, viable and climate-smart school and home gardens concept to other sites within and outside the Philippines and Indonesia RECOMMENDATIONS
7.Establish linkages with appropriate organizations (national or international): – to draw support for the project so they can mutually benefit from the partnerships; and – to facilitate scaling-up of the initial project success RECOMMENDATIONS
Funding Mix/Counterpart Resources ADBSEARCATOTAL FUND Phase IUSD12,000USD 5,240USD17,240 Phase II and III -USD17,285 TOTAL USD12,000USD 22,525 USD32,525 Notes: In-kind contributions of Partners UPLB - Link to relevant programs and services of the University, staff time, and transportation cost DepEd - Garden space, staff time, transportation cost; and link to DepEd’s relevant programs and services SEARCA – staff time, use of facilities, and others