TCMS Midcats August 2011
Open House -Had 406 students represented by at least 1 parent -Enrollment has increased, especially in 6 th and 7 th grades -Received a lot of positive feedback about open house
Summer Preparation: New Academic Core Standards Unit Bundling Lesson Plans Common Assessments & Essential Activities Differentiated Professional Development Sent 6 teachers to Advance KY Laying the Foundation (2 new) -> plan to continue
Enrichment Offer enrichment classes – photography, creative reading, Performing Arts, Jazz Band, Nutrition, Health, Careers, 21 st Century Skills
Advisor/Advisee Time – first 10 minutes of 7 th period class daily -> focus on direction (college, career, ILP)
Power for Life Mentoring Program – continue and expand to include more students. All PFL MS students had successful transitions to next grade level for 2010/2011 school year
“High Expectations, Relationships – Nothing Less” It’s our Time: We want to be recognized as one of Kentucky’s Best or a Blue Ribbon School SBDM Council visit to Belfry Middle KASC and NMEA Conference Sharing Network with other schools and Principal Institute/CCL group
College and Career Readiness Partner with community 8 th graders go on job skills trip and explore each job, interview employee, exposure to salary & skills needed for job All grades go to visit 4 year college, explore different career paths All grades focus on ACT Explore skills and incorporate into units/lesson plans
Program Review Faculty has been educated about the program review Faculty will begin discussing program review and forming committee this month Faculty will begin to assess which components of program review we do well and which components of program review we do not do but could easily begin to incorporate into our curriculum Educate all faculty about ILP and importance
M.A.P. schedule is set for September in areas of Reading, Math, English, and Science – will take two weeks to administer
We are beginning our 4 th year of PBIS/KYCID – we were recognized this summer by the state for sustaining fidelity in our program We have promoted Rachel’s Challenge – August 25 th and plan to end the year with Acts of Kindness Celebration We worked with our transportation system this past year and had bus drivers promote PBIS as well and had a decrease in bus referrals from previous year. Bus Drivers are involved in rewarding MS students for character this year.
Continue to work in our professional learning communities Focusing on learning Focusing on helping EACH child learn Focusing on enriching and intervening with children Collaborating with each other
We are: Promoting our vision Building school pride Committed to kids Making it cool to care Raising the rigor Effectively collaborating with each other and with high school