Brian Ellithorpe & Ericka Oleson
Coral Reefs: the Rainforests of the Ocean
USCRTF The U.S. Coral Reef Task Force is responsible for examining reef problems and finding appropriate solutions. Monitor reef conditions Share information Coordinate management
Coral reefs are a delicate ecosystems that require a balance between many factors and can easily become threatened.
Sediment accumulation Environmental Changes Temperature pH Salinity Eutrophication Costal Development Overfishing Removal of top predators Pollution Visitor Overuse Diver Damage
Coral Bleaching
Economically Reefs support: 5% of the world commercial fisheries 50% of U.S. federally managed fishery species
About a fifth of the world's coral reefs have already gone, and nearly half of the remainder is in danger of disappearing within the next 20 years.
Costs of better reef management are much less than the benefits provided by the saved reefs.
Inadequate Response: 1. Incomplete understanding of the problem and communication failures. 2. Poor use of cutting-edge science and the at-large scientific community. 3. Poor governmental coordination and lots of fighting.
Global Forces are at Play The U.S. needs to fully engage the private sector and the scientific community…If the U.S. gets on board then it is more likely that global action will be taken.
Aquatic Farming Aquatic farming has many different styles, but one of the most effective types of Aquaculture is drift farms.
Aquatic Farming vs. Fishing Farming offers popular species in a efficient guaranteed method. Farming also preserves natural stock. Farming can be happen year round to keep up with demand. Natural Fishing attracts to some consumers. People feel it is more Humane than the caged farming method. Fishing offers thousands of jobs all over the world.
Benefits of Farming Helps replenish natural stock. Offers jobs You don’t need as much fossil fuel as you would fishing Multiple species can be raised. Simple technique: Drop the cage and pick them up in 6 months to a year and a half. Cages can be re-used multiple times You always have a rough estimate of how much product you will produce unlike fishing No cost for feed like traditional aquaculture Releasing cages at different times of the year creates a constant jobs and products.
Negatives of Farming Loss of jobs for fishing boats. Pollution from surplus of fish in one area. Consumers don’t view farming as “Natural” as wild caught. Not all species can be farmed. Disease can be common among farms. Farmed species could escape and affect natural stock.
How to Correct the Negatives Research is under way to help develop a farm that will use algae and shellfish to help limit the amount of pollution is released from these farms. Also creating drift nets with small engines to help move the net more reduces the likely hood pollution in one area, while also reducing risk of a disease out break. Also being researched are ways to grow species that were once thought to be impossible to farm. (Bottom feeders like flounder and lobsters)