By: Bethany Bonny and Jenna Britton OCTAVIA BUTLER & FLEDGING
EARLY YEARS Born in Pasadena, California on June 22, 1947 Comes from a poor family Father died during her childhood Strict Baptist household- raised by mother and grandmother after father’s death Mother was a maid; Octavia often came along to help out Was dyslexic, but still loved to read and write As an introvert, turned to science fiction magazines to escape At age 10 decided to be a writer At age 12 watched Devil Girl from Mars and decided she could write a better story Worked several jobs to make ends meet all while sticking to a strict writing schedule
EDUCATION AND CAREER Received her Associate’s Degree at Pasadena City College in 1968 Also attended California State University and the University of California, Los Angeles During studied at Screenwriter’s Guild Open Door Program and the Clarion Science Fiction Writer’s Workshop At the workshop took science fiction class by Harlan Ellison- Butler’s mentor First published work was the story “Crossover” in the 1971 Clarion anthology First novel, Patternmaster, was published in 1976 and was the first book in her Patternist series Author of three book series and two individual novels
AWARDS AND LEGACY 1980 received the Creative Arts Award 1984 received Hugo Award for Best Short Story for “Speech Bounds” Bloodchild 1984 Nebula Award for Best Novelette 1985 Science Fiction Chronicle for Best Novelette 1985 Locus Award for Best Novelette 1985 Hugo Award for Best Novelette In 1995 was the first science fiction author to receive the MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Grant In 1999 received the Nebula Award for Best Novel for Parable of the Talents 2000 was given the PEN American Center Lifetime Achievement Award in writing In 2010 was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame 2012 was given the Solstice Award for Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America 2006 the Carl Brandon Society founded “The Octavia Butler Memorial Scholarship” in memory of Butler for colored writers to attend the Clarion Writer’s Workshop Known as the “Grand Dame of Science Fiction”
THEMES Science Fiction and African American Spiritualism Used science fiction to address issues of facing humanity Often writes about struggles with race, gender, religion, social progress, and social class Many of her works are considered “Afrofuturism” Fiction that uses space or abduction to draw parallels to the marginalized Black experience “I wanted to write a novel that would make others feel the history: the pain and fear that black people have had to live through in order to endure.” – Octavia Butler
FLEDGING BACKGROUND Published in 2005 Was Butler’s final novel before her death in 2006 Science Fiction novel Vampires Addresses issues of race, sexuality, and what it means to be a member of a community
FLEDGING: PLOT SUMMARY Shori awakes in the forest with critical injuries and unsure of who she is Wright finds Shori, names her Renee Wright takes her in and they form a symbiotic relationship of human and vampire Shiri feeds on Wright’s blood, while her venom boosts his immune system Eventually relationship turns sexual Shori feeds on people in Wright’s town and forms a relationship with Theodora Shori and Wright return to burned village to find out more about her Meet Shori’s father, Isoif, he tells the burned village was once her home Finds out she was genetically modified to be resistant to daylight, which is why she is black Isoif’s settlement is also burned down and Shori takes on the only human survivors, Celia and Brook Travel to one of Isoif’s other homes where they are attacked, but manage to escape The group goes to the Gordon settlement Here some attackers are caught and identified as part of the Silks family A trial is held against the Silks family, for attacking Shori, and Katherine Dalhman for killing Shori’s symbiont Theodora Shori decides to live with the Braithwaite Family, her distant relatives
FLEDGING: CHARACTERS Shori/ Renee Member of the Ina vampire race Looks to be about 10, is actually 53 Her skin is black as a result of genetic modification to protect her from the sun Wright Hamlin A human construction worker; takes in Shori and develops a sexual and symbiotic relationship with her Theodora An elderly woman and one of Shori’s symbionts Isoif Shori’s father, also an Ina Celia and Brook The other symbionts of Shori, rescued after Isoif’s settlement was burned Gordon Family Takes in Shori and her symbionts and help solve who was after her Silks Family The ones responible for destroying Shori’s village and the others Katherine Dalhman Had Theodora killed by one of her symbionts
FLEDGING: THEMES Racism Shori was targeted by the Silks because of her dark skin The motive of the Silks is to preserve racial purity of Inas Also seen by the relationship of vampires and humans Sexual Relationships Wright and Shori’s relationship is first perceived as pedophilia since she looks to be only 10, even though it is revealed she is actually 53 the relationship is still disturbing Power Vampires power over humans- Shori quickly realizes her power even after not remembering anything Shori shows her control over Wright by easily seducing him, and shows control over her symbionts by making them dependent on her Punishments of the Silks Family and Katherine Dahlman show the Ina’s ability to keep vampires in check Dependency Humans are dependent on vampires for their venom Vampires depend on human blood as a source of food Role of Women Women in the story were often associated with power The Braithwaite Family that Shori decided to live with was made up entirely of women meaning that men were not a detrimental part of Ina families
FLEDGING AND OTHER STORIES Kindred Rufus was dependent on Dana to stay alive; the human symbionts were dependent on the vampire’s venom Rufus believed in his racial supremacy over blacks; the Silks family believed in their racial supremacy over genetically modified vampires like Shori My Soul to Keep Jessica and David’s relationship of human and immortal; Shori and Wright’s relationship of human and vampire David used his blood to make Jessica immortal; Shori made Wright and others her symbionts so she could have a source of food David had to answer to the league of immortals for his mistakes; the Silks family was stripped of their sons after leading attacks against Shori