Welcome Back to School Night September 8, 2015 Mrs. Himelstein & Mrs. Stremel First Grade-Room 202
Agenda 1.Welcome 2.Introductions 3.Daily Schedule 4.Classroom Management & Behavior Expectations *SEES Living the Eagle Way Character Traits Program *How was your day today? *Incentives 5.Parent Communication *SEES Website *Weekly Newsletter *Communication Folder (red) *E-Wednesday Envelope *Parent Conferences November (No School on November 16 th & the remaining days that week are shortened for conferences) * / Shutterfly 6.Parent Volunteers 7.Homework 8.Additional Information *School Supplies *Friday Flag Salutes *Charm Necklaces *Star of the Week *Field Trips 9. Questions
Daily Schedule 8:45-9:00 Morning Activities, Read Aloud, Writing 9:00-9:20 Word Work 9:20-9:40 Reading: Whole Group Mini-Lesson, Vocabulary, Shared Reading 9:40-11:00 Reading: Small Group Leveled Reading 11:00-11:45 Lunch/Recess 11:45-1:15 Writing/Social Studies/Science 1:15-1:35 Recess/Snack 1:35-2:30 Math 2:30-3:10 Math/Social Studies/Science/Art/Drama/Buddies/Star of the Week (1:35-2:15 P.E. – Tuesdays, alternate Wednesdays & Fridays) 3:10 Dismissal WEDNESDAY’S SCHEDULE (Early Release Day) 8:45-9:00 Morning Activities, Read Aloud, Writing 9:00-9:20 Word Work 9:20-9:40 Reading: Whole Group Mini-Lesson, Vocabulary, Shared Reading 9:40-11:00 Reading: Small Group Leveled Reading 11:00-11:45 Lunch/Recess 11:45-12:00 Writing 12:00-12:45 Library 12:45-1:15 Writing 1:15-1:35 Recess/Snack 1:35-2:10 Math/ Alternate P.E, 2:10 Dismissal Enrichment Activities Tuesday- Science/Music: 12:45-1:15 Wednesday- Library: 12:00-12:45 Friday- Art/Drama 12:00-12:30
Classroom Management & Behavior Expectations CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: Classroom rules are based on The Big 5 -Is your behavior safe? -Is your behavior respectful? -Is your behavior honest? -Is your language appropriate? -Are you Living the Eagle Way? BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: How Was Your Day Chart? - Gold: Excellent - Green: Good Day - Yellow: Think About it - Red: Time Out, Parent Contact INCENTIVES: Tickets for Treasure Box Table Points Green Eagle Passes Classroom Bucket Points
Parent Communication SEES Website – Weekly Newsletter Communication Folder – Behavior contract inside, please sign on Fridays E-Wednesday Envelopes Parent Conferences November s- & extension 3202
Parent Volunteers Thank you so much for considering the gift of your time to our classroom! Help is needed in many different areas: ___Small Group Volunteers: This is a weekly commitment in the morning/afternoon. This can also be one-on-one time with a student. Please check below for the days that will work best for you and write the time when you are available. Monday_____ Tuesday_____ Wednesday_____ Thursday_____ Friday_____ Time that works best for you_________________________________________________ ___Room Parents: Plan classroom parties, collect and maintain class fund, assist teacher with communication of classroom events, plan and coordinate teacher appreciation activities. ___Art Helpers: Help the Art Teacher with lesson & clean up. Time: alternate weeks-Friday 12:00- 1:15 ___Science Lab Technicians: Work during our science lab time helping our students and science teacher. Science time: alternate weeks: Tuesday 12:45-1:15 ___Homework Binders: Collect homework and prepare homework for the following week on Friday mornings or afternoons. ___Classroom Photographer: Responsible for taking pictures of classroom activities and turning them into the yearbook committee. ___Classroom Basket Coordinator for Spring Fundraiser: Responsible for collecting items and monies for the classroom and assembling the basket. ___At Home Prep/ Clerical Help: Help prep materials for the teachers, stapling, assembling books, correcting papers etc.. ___Garden Docent: Details to be determined. ___Country Fair Committee Member: Assists the Country Fair Committee in planning SEES largest fundraiser of the year. Meetings held monthly. Please put an X next to your interests above and return the form as soon as possible. Name__________________________ Child’s Name__________________ Phone #_____________ _______________________________________________________________________
Homework District guidelines – minutes a night/ 3-4 times a week Starts on September 21st Yellow Homework Folder - Goes home on Monday and return on Friday, Homework help
Additional Information Optional School Supplies: glue sticks, pencils, Xerox paper, wipes, replenish the treasure box Friday Flag Salutes: Held 2x/Month. A Student of Month will be selected from our class for showing exemplary character or behavior of the trait of the month and they are recognized at our Friday Student of the Month Flag Salute. We will send a note home to notify you. Friday Charm Necklaces: charms for Accelerated Reader, Soaring Through Math, Running Club Star of the Week: Each week, a student will be chosen as star of the week. The student will be asked to create a poster and share with the class. More information will be sent out at a later date. Field Trips: 1-3 a year, please return all paper work on time.