SATs outline Timetable English tests Maths tests Results
Standard Assessment Tests Statutory End of ‘Key Stage’ English and Maths (not Science)
DayTest/s Monday 9 th MayReading test Tuesday 10 th MaySpelling, Grammar and Punctuation tests Wednesday 11 th MayMaths Arithmetic and Reasoning tests Thursday 12 th MayMaths Reasoning test
Reading comprehension test A reading answer booklet and a separate reading booklet. Pupils have a total of 1 hour to read the 3 texts in the reading booklet and complete the questions at their own pace. They can approach the test as they choose: e.g. working through one text and answering the questions before moving on to the next. The least-demanding text will come first with the following texts increasing in level of difficulty.
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation tests Paper 1: 45 minutes to complete approximately questions Paper 2: This component consists of an answer booklet for pupils to complete and a test transcript to be read by the test administrator. Pupils will have approximately 15 minutes to complete the test (not strictly timed), by writing the 20 missing words in the answer booklet.
Paper 1: Arithmetic 30 minutes Paper 2: Reasoning 40 minutes – (ruler, protractor, mirror) Paper 3: Reasoning 40 minutes – (ruler, protractor, mirror) No calculators
Science SATs no longer administered Schools are randomly selected nationally for sample tests to monitor standards
Latest government information: In early July we should receive pupil results as raw scores and scaled scores. “We can’t give full information about what the scale will look like yet. We need to wait until pupils have taken the tests and the tests have been marked before we can set the national standard and the rest of the scale. We do know the scale will have a lower end point below 100 and an upper end point above 100. Once we have set the national standard we will use a statistical technique called ‘scaling’ to transform the raw score into a scaled score. We will publish this after the first tests have been administered.” DfE July 2015
Curriculum Focus Revision Past papers and exemplar papers Homework activities
Keep your child calm! Tests are now a normal part of school life, they will be well prepared. Plenty of sleep - no sleepovers or weekend trips! Try to make sure your child is in school, tests cannot be administered at any other time.
and a reminder of dates…. DayTest/s Monday 9 th MayReading test Tuesday 10 th MaySpelling, Grammar and Punctuation tests Wednesday 11 th MayMaths Arithmetic and Reasoning tests Thursday 12 th MayMaths Reasoning test
Preston Montford Art Week Mini-Enterprise Year Six production Summer clubs First Aid training Y6 to Y7 transition programme Fit for Life Week Swimming Summer Fair Leavers’ Service Sports Day Leavers’ Party Queen’s Birthday Celebrations Secondary school transition day