Teaching Plan- Chinese New Year Group 3
Lesson plan Students will be able to understand the story about Chinese New Year. The age of students: 10-year-old Number of students: 10 people Date: 2 weeks before Chinese New Year Student’s level: Basic Course time: 35 minutes Materials & Equipment: Power point. 5 flash cards.( Nian monster, New Year scrolls, Firecracker, Lucky food, Lucky money) Music. Worksheet.Homework.
Procedures Warm up : A-Z (5 個學生一組, 每組輪流上台做字母操,5 minutes) Explanation : 1.We will tell the story about Chinese New Year by PPT. 2.Teach them 5 Word by flash cards. (10 minutes) Activities : 1.Play pirates game 2.Hitting game with flash card. (10 minutes) Exercise: Writing the worksheet(matching) Listen the music about Chinese new year (10 minutes)
Once upon a times, there was a monster that named “Nian”. 很久以前, 有一隻被稱為 “ 年 ” 的怪獸
It ate animals whom were fed by villagers before the New Year, even though people. The villagers were thinking everything for kick it out. 在過年的前一天, 牠都會從山上下來吃掉村民飼養的動物, 甚至還會吃人, 為了把牠趕走, 村民想了各 種辦法
People found that Nian monster scares firecrackers and red. Then people kicked Nian monster successfully by firing firecrackers and posting New Year scrolls. And they celebrated for peace of everybody. 後來發現它害怕鞭炮聲及紅色的東西, 人們開始放鞭炮貼春聯成功的把年獸趕走, 並開心的互道恭喜與慶祝大家平 安
Finally, people gather together with family for reunion dinner (Lucky food) on New Years Eve each year, and giving the lucky money to children for peace. 從此之後, 人們在除夕夜那天會聚在一起吃團圓飯, 給小孩子壓歲錢祈求今年平安度過.
5 words Firecracker Lucky money Lucky food Nian monster New Year scrolls
Matching New Year scrolls Firecracker Lucky food Lucky moneyNian monster
Homework Draw a picture. 1. Nian monster 2. Firecracker 3. Lucky money Class: Name: Number: