Monday December 15, 2014 Energizer: 1. Write down the homework Energizer Section: 2. Energizer Section: Answer the following question: What is the purpose of an introduction? What should be included in an introduction? Objective: ~PowerPoint: Introductions & Thesis Statements *If we can keep the Chromebooks… You will locate the links about Compare & Contrast on my School Fusion Page and complete the activities *Continue researching your genocide of choice Homework: 1. Milkweed: Read Chapter 33: Choose to either summarize the chapter or create a double entry journal
Introductions Body Paragraphs Conclusions
Restatement of thesis statement summarize Briefly summarize your points of comparison and contrast Memorable ending: emphasize Memorable ending: make the reader think or emphasize (stress) a point.
What is the purpose of an introduction? Invite and persuade a reader to continue reading a piece of writing. Establish the direction your writing is going Grabs your reader’s attention
Ways to grab the reader Open with a question Example: Has your face ever turned so red it looked like you have a very bad sunburn?
Ways to grab the reader Open with a quotation Examples: “I haven’t laughed that hard in my entire life!” “You’re going to regret this.” I mumbled as I slithered away from my friend.
Ways to grab the reader Open with a personal experience Example: I stood there in disbelief wondering how that could have happened to me.
Ways to grab the reader Open with personal feelings Example: I was still as a tear began to fall from my face
Example Introduction The idea of genocide has always existed throughout the world, ever since people struggled for power, wealth, and resources, as well as the concept of superiority and inferiority. As a more superior group of people gain power, they form new ideas of making a perfect society for them to live in. They start to terminate everyone else who are considered inferior to them or either those who oppose, which is a typical way of how genocide occurs. In Nazi Germany, soldiers under the leadership of Hitler had attempted to annihilate the entire “inferior” race, which they believed were hindering their nation. While in Darfur, militias under the order of the Sudanese government massacre rebels, as well as terrorize villages where innocent civilians live. Although there are some differences between the Holocaust and the genocide in Darfur, in both situations, a group is looked upon as "superior" and gains more power because they possess something that is thought to be more advanced.
The Thesis Statement A Road Map for Your Essay ESSAY Introduction Thesis Statement Body Paragraph #1 Body Paragraph #2 Body Paragraph #3
Thesis Statement Should make a general statement about the similarities and differences in your essay.
Key Features Thesis Statement states the main idea of the essay in a complete sentence, not in a question. states an opinion or attitude on a topic. It doesn’t just state the topic, itself. is usually at the end of an introduction. often lists subtopics.
An Effective Thesis Statement Although there are some differences between the Holocaust and the genocide in Darfur, in both situations, a group is looked upon as "superior" and gains more power because they possess something that is thought to be more advanced.
An Ineffective Thesis Statement In this essay, I will write about the Holocaust and Darfur.
An Effective Thesis Statement Even though the Holocaust and the situation in Darfur are both genocides, in which an “inferior” group was and is being targeted, the Holocaust and situation in Darfur differ in terms of leaders, locations, and political agendas.
An Ineffective Thesis Statement I am going to tell you about the similarities and differences between the Holocaust and Darfur.
Body Paragraphs Consist of similarities and differences that support your thesis statement. Synthesize (blend together) ideas and information from several sources
Body Paragraphs continued… Logically organize your essay by including specific facts & details that support your main idea (don’t include unnecessary information). Use transition words to link sentences & paragraphs & make your comparisons & contrasts clear.
Transition Words (compare & contrast) ComparisonContrast In the same wayHowever LikewiseOn the contrary SimilarlyOn the other hand By the same tokenIn contrast Otherwise
Sentence Structures Use a variety of sentence structures such as: short & long, simple & complex example: The snow fell. example: The snow fell. Example: Children, who have the day off, participate in exciting activities. Example: Children, who have the day off, participate in exciting activities.
How can I organize my body paragraphs? Please see the handout to explore different options for organizing your body paragraphs.