This is a level of diction or language. For most college essays, your tone should be fairly serious and as objective as possible.
Using formal tone(third person) creates distance between the writer and the audience. For the Narrative/Descriptive, your personal story from the past is an intimate story that you are writing/telling to the audience. Using formal tone (third person) in an essay creates a level of objectivity.
First person is informal. It is subjective or personal. Using first person (like in the Narrative/Descriptive essay) creates a closeness or intimacy with the audience by storytelling. First Person is the use of: I, me, my, mine, etc. Ex. My favorite place is the Japanese garden. I could spend hours there.
Second person is also informal. It can be directional as well. Second person is the use of: you, your, you’re, etc. It would be used in an informal essay like the Narrative/Descriptive essay. Ex. You always have a special place to go to that relaxes you. (Personal or subjective) Ex. You should really work toward forgiveness. (Directional)
Third person creates an objective tone. Envision taking a subject and examining it from a distance. Your goal is to discuss the topic with an objective tone Ex.: Environmental awareness is important to the future of the planet.(Third person)
There are several ways to use formal tone consistently 1. Make the statement. Avoid “I believe” “In my opinion” or “I think” You can only write from your opinion, so there is no need to state the obvious. Ex.: I think the sky is gray. (1 st person) Ex. The sky is gray. (3 rd person)
You can incorporate your own experiences, but you do not have to let the audience know it is a personal experience. Ex. I have Diabetes. I have to check my sugar levels.(1 st person-informal tone) Ex. Sara has Diabetes. She has to check her sugar levels. (3 rd person-formal tone)
Maintain pronoun/antecedent agreement throughout the paragraphs to maintain formal tone (3 rd person) Ex. Sara(3 rd per.) has Diabetes. I(1 st per.) have to check my(1 st per.) sugar levels daily. Ex. Sara has Diabetes. She has to check her sugar levels daily.(consistently in 3 rd person)