TAKING THE LONGVIEW OF MATH Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart May 9 th, 2016
Let us begin with the end in mind…
The SAT & ACT ■The new SAT math (which includes a section in which students cannot use their calculator) is: –35% Algebra (formulas, expressions, and equations) –28 % Data Analysis (ratios, proportions, percentages) –27% Advanced Math (quadratic equations, polynomials) –10% Additional topics (geometry, basic trig. functions) ■The ACT Math covers: –Pre-Algebra – 20-25% –Elementary Algebra % –Intermediate Algebra – 15-20% –Coordinate Geometry % –Plane Geometry – 20-25% –Trigonometry – 5-10%
Possible Pathways ■Readiness Levels ■Honors Levels ■IB (International Baccalaureate) *Readiness is assessed yearly to make certain that students are property placed.
Group 1: Language A (English, Spanish & French) Group 2: International Languages Group 4: Experimental Sciences Group 6: Arts Group 5: Mathematics Group 3: History IB Diploma Program
Connecting Math to College Acceptance ■IB Math HL – the first time we have offered this course in years. –Schools including Columbia, Harvard, MIT, University of Florida, University of Miami… ■Accelerated IB Math SL followed by either AP Calculus AB (8) or BC (7) –Schools including Harvard, MIT, Notre Dame, Cornell, UPenn, NYU, Georgetown, University of Miami, Wake Forest, Johns Hopkins, University of Florida… ■Two-year IB Math SL course –Schools including MIT, Stanford, Cornell, Olin College of Engineering, Brown, UPenn, Boston College, University of North Carolina… ■IB Math Studies –Schools including George Washington, University of Michigan, University of the Miami, Babson, Tulane, Boston University, Florida International University, Florida State University...
Criteria for Readiness ■Teacher Observation ■Achievement (Test, Quiz, Final) ■Standardized Testing –ERB (Gr 3-7) –CogAT (Gr 3-7) –ISEE (Gr 8)
Life faces you with courageous challenges at every step of the way. You are on the path, exactly where you are meant to be right now,...and from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, of love. - Mother Janet Erskine Stuart