Emerging Developments in Gene Therapy and DNA Vaccines To Succeed, Gene Therapy Must Overcome Early Setbacks “Gene therapy has suffered some serious setbacks in the last few years and progress has been considerably slower than many people - particularly investors - had hoped for.“ Technology Analyst Team Technical Insights
Technical Insights provides: Detailed insights into recent technology developments and trends Analyst insights on ‘hot topics’ and emerging applications in the Gene Therapy and DNA Vaccines market Profiles of leading companies and laboratories developing gene therapies Evaluation of barriers to commercialization Analysis of enabling technologies Key Features
Global Coverage Proven methodology based on extensive primary and secondary data and research Focused information and strategies on business and technology issues Credible research and analysis highlighting industry dynamics Contact information for leading technology developers What We Offer
Current Technology Participants Find out how you compare with the competition Assess current and future trends Determine and exploit new applications and opportunities Find the best candidates for licensing agreements and partnerships New Entrants Analyze the associated challenges Calculate timescales for strategy implementation Position yourself to capitalize on the emerging applications Uncover the best players to assist you with developing your technology Investment Community Analyze long-term strategies of the market Identify participants that will lead the market development Assess the attractiveness of investing in the market Who Will Benefit?
Key Market Participants Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. Alfacell Corp. American Society of Gene Therapy Argonne National Laboratory Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ark Therapeutics Ltd. Athersys, Inc. AVI BioPharma, Inc. Avigen, Inc. Boston University/ Center for BioDynamics Cell Genesys, Inc. Ceregene, Inc. Chiron Corp. Cobra Biomanufacturing Plc. Copernicus Therapeutics, Inc. Cornell University Crucell NV Cyntellect, Inc. CytRx Corp. DeveloGen AG DNAVEC Research, Inc. Duke University Medical Center Dynavax Technologies Corp. Epimmune, Inc. FDA – CBER Genetronics, Inc. Genta, Inc. Genteric, Inc. GenVec, Inc. Genzyme Molecular Oncology Glygen Corp. Harvard Gene Therapy Initiative Harvard Medical School Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Hybridon, Inc. IC-Vec Ltd. ImmunoGen, Inc. Introgen Therapeutics, Inc. Intronn, Inc. Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Key Market Participants (Cont’d) La Jolla Pharmaceutical Co. Mayne Pharma Merck Institute for Vaccinology Mirus Corp. Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. Mologen Holding AG Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Institute for Gene Therapy and Molecular Medicine National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Office of Technology Transfer NovaRx Corp. NsGene A/S Oncosis, Inc. Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Oxford BioMedica Plc. PCI Biotech AS PowderJect Pharmaceuticals Plc. PPL Therapeutics, Inc. Purdue University QED Bioscience, Inc. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Remedyne Corp. Sangamo BioSciences, Inc. Selective Genetics SPOTTY DOG Collaboration (Europe) Stanford University School of Medicine Takara Biomedical Group Targeted Genetics Corp. Therion Biologics Corp. Transgene SA Transkaryotic Therapies, Inc. Tranzyme, Inc. University of California, Berkeley University of California, San Diego University of Iowa, College of Medicine University of Pennsylvania, Medical Center University of Pittsburgh Valentis, Inc. Vical, Inc. Vion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Xenova Group Plc.
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