Live Office Editing Everywhere November 14 th, 2013 Bindu Wavell / Chief Architect / Zia Consulting
Status Quo Microsoft SharePoint protocol Extensions to WebDAV Controls installed as part of Office install ActiveX control in IE NPAPI Plugin for Windows / Mac
Alfresco Capabilities Share uses Microsoft Plugins Workdesk had Java based launcher Workdesk added support for Microsoft Plugins New native NPAPI Office Launcher in Workdesk
Office Launcher Plugin Motivation Customer was mostly using Google Chrome on Macs Mac Java is 64 bit and Chrome is 32 bit As of Chrome 21 older NPAPI spec not supported Microsoft plugin uses older Spec
Office Launcher Plugin We created a proof of concept NPAPI plugin using FireBreath for customer This was contributed to Alfresco / Workdesk team Their team made it awesome and have now included it standard in
Good / Bad News Office Workdesk includes a Share extension that can open docs using all three technologies (requires OWD server) Plugin code open sourced: Expect plugin to be included in Share Browser vendors dropping support for NPAPI Hope we can white-list plugin