Memoranda of Understanding Breakout Session SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks May 4, 2005 – May 5, 2005
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks2 Welcome to the Memoranda of Understanding Breakout ■Our objective for today is to introduce you to the SVRS Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and the steps needed to complete them. ■Topics for Discussion: –Overview of MOU –Verify MOU packet contents –Provider/Relier MOU walkthrough –Provider/SEB walkthrough –Next Steps –Question and Answer
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks3 Overview of SVRS MOU ■State and federal law require all municipalities in Wisconsin to use the SVRS. ■In order to minimize state and municipal costs, the State has authorized resource-sharing relationships. –Providers are those municipalities or counties that will provide data entry and other SVRS related services for themselves and other municipalities. –Reliers are those municipalities that will rely on the county or another municipality for SVRS services. ■All providers will enter into MOUs with reliers and agree to abide by statewide guidelines for SVRS.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks4 Verify MOU packet contents ■SVRS Overview ■MOU Introduction and Instructions ■Resolution ■Provider/Relier MOU and Supporting Addenda –Provider/Relier MOU Template –Addendum A – Fee Agreement (Optional) –Addendum B – SVRS Roles and Responsibilities
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks5 Introduction and Instructions ■Describes the Resolution and MOU between the Provider and Relier. ■Provides a sample cost worksheet to assist you with optional fee agreements. ■Lists the addenda relevant to the MOU. ■Provides the process and schedule for completing your Resolution and MOU and returning a copy to the SVRS office.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks6 The MOU Resolution ■You should present the resolution to your board for consideration soon. ■When passed by your board, the resolution authorizes you to enter into MOU with reliers. ■Helps your board remember the project and the reasons for resource sharing. ■Is a tangible reminder of your contribution.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks7 The Provider/Relier MOU Template ■The Provider/Relier MOU defines the relationship between you and those municipalities relying upon you. ■The base template establishes the relationship, and the addenda provide detailed information on the optional fee agreement and the roles and responsibilities.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks8 Provider/Relier MOU Addenda ■Addendum A – Fee Agreement (Optional) –Reflects any fee providers charge reliers under the agreement formalized by this MOU. –Return a copy of your Fee Agreement to the SVRS team along with a copy of your Provider/Relier MOU. ■Addendum B – Roles and Responsibilities –Reflects a high-level understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each member of a resource-sharing relationship. –Further defines the rule listed in the Introduction and Instruction sheet, which says: The SEB will not consider valid any agreement purporting to pass statutory duties from one official to another, unless those duties are substantially related to the electronic entry of information into the SVRS.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks9 The Provider and SEB Relationship ■As a Provider, you will have a direct relationship with SEB and the SVRS application. You will be responsible for following statewide guidelines in the following areas: 1.Processes 2.Technology 3.Maintenance and Support 4.Security
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks10 SVRS Process Requirements ■Voter Registration – These are the processes required to enter new voter registration information. ■Election Management – These are the processes to manage poll locations and to set up elections –Details are discussed during Day 1 of this conference
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks11 SVRS Technology Requirements ■Recommended Specifications – These hardware and software specifications will help SVRS operate at optimal performance levels. ■Minimum Supported Requirements – These hardware and software specifications will support the SVRS application, but performance may suffer, and your system will require manual support to ensure compliance with SVRS security requirements.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks12 Recommended Specifications TypeRecommended Specifications Desktop and monitorIntel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon, 2GHz processor and 256MB of RAM 2GB hard drive, 100MB free space CD-RW Drive 101 key PS/2 keyboard 2-button PS/2 or USB Mouse or Trackball with scroll wheel SVGA graphics card and monitor capable of displaying 65,535 color and 1024x768 screen resolution PrinterFor municipalities with less than 2,500 users, HP LaserJet 1320TN or any printer that supports PCL5 For municipalities with more than 2,500 users, HP LaserJet 4250DTN or any printer that supports PCL5 Other PeripheralsDymo LabelWriter 330 Turbo label printer Laser barcode scanner with wedge interface SoftwareWindows XP Professional with SP2 and all of the latest Critical Updates WS_FTP Pro latest version Internet Explorer 6.0 or later McAfee Anti-Virus 8.0 software updated automatically over the Internet through scheduled task Automatic Updates enabled to automatically download and install new patches Connectivity100 Mbps Ethernet interface with RJ-45 connector or adapter High speed (broadband) connection (cable or DSL) If network firewall exists, ports 22, 80, and 443 must be open.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks13 Minimum Specifications TypeMinimum Supported Requirements Desktop and monitorIntel Pentium 233 MHz or equivalent, 64MB of RAM 500MB Hard Drive, 30MB Free Space 3.5” 1.44MB Floppy Drive or CD-ROM Drive 101 key PS/2 or AT keyboard 2-button Mouse or Trackball VGA graphics card and monitor capable of displaying 256 color and 800x600 screen resolution PrinterAny printer that supports PCL 4 and higher Other Peripherals SoftwareWindows 2000 Professional with SP4 and all of the latest Critical Updates Secure FTP Client Any Web browser that supports ActiveX controls or Java components Anti-Virus software updated at least once per month Automatic Updates enabled to automatically download new patches, but install manually Connectivity10 Mbps Ethernet interface with RJ-45 connector or adapter High speed (broadband) connection (cable or DSL) If network firewall exists, ports 22, 80, and 443 must be open.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks14 SVRS Maintenance and Support ■SVRS Support Services: –Online help –Help Desk –SEB –DOA –Local IT / ISP ■SVRS Maintenance: –Annual updates –Smaller updates for “hot issues” ■Provider Responsibilities: –Maintaining correct user documentation (eg User Manual). –Using SVRS in a manner consistent with documentation. –Maintaining technical requirements as listed. –Providing IT and ISP contact information.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks15 SVRS Security ■Keeping information secure is everybody’s job! ■DOA / SEB responsibilities: –Maintain disaster recovery plans to preserve data –Only issuing user names and passwords to people who have had SVRS application training ■Provider responsibilities: –Never allowing unauthorized use of the SVRS application. ■Unauthorized use is any use by a person who has not been issued an SVRS user name and password by the SEB. –Being aware of the list of “data security tips.” –Keep workstation passwords confidential and change them often. –Deliver, pick up or mail printouts of poll lists reports as soon as they are complete. –Lock original hard copies and floppy disks in a secure area. –Limit access to sensitive computer systems. –When disposing of a computer system, erase all sensitive files form the hard drive by reformatting or using a wipeout program. –Do not leave terminals or workstations without logging off or suing a password-protected screen saver. –Limit personal use of information technology resources. –Provide access to systems and data only to those who have an official need to use it.
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks16 MOU Next Steps: ■Carefully read MOU packet. ■Present resolution to board. ■Contact and meet with your prospective reliers. ■Sign MOU and complete Fee Agreement. ■Return a copy of the Resolution, MOU, and Fee Agreement to: SVRS-MOU PO BOX 7984 Madison, WI
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks17 Any Questions?