Development Modification Proposal: Introduction of an Inter-day Linepack Product Review Group August 2010 Transmission Workstream 07/10/2010
Contents Background Review Group 0291: C27 – Balancing Arrangements Inter-day Linepack Product Development Proposal Inter-day Linepack Product: Overview Next Steps
Background February 2010 Ofgem published its Final Proposals on the National Grid Gas System Operator Incentives. On 1 April 2010 the Authority introduced National Grid Plc’s Gas Transporter Special Licence Condition 27 (C27) – Balancing arrangements. Places an obligation on National Grid NTS to use reasonable endeavour to: Develop, in consultation with the industry, a Linepack Product by 1 st April 2011; and Report back to the Authority by 1 st May 2011; and If directed to do so by the Authority, implement the Product by 1 st October 2011.
Review Group 0291: C27 – Balancing Arrangements National Grid initiated Review Group 0291 (RG0291) in May 2010 RG0291explored potential approaches for an Inter-day Linepack Product mechanism. Options included: 1.Inter-day Linepack ‘Bulletin Board’ 2.Incentive ‘Hybrid’ mechanism - seeks to address both the Cashout Default and Linepack issues within one mechanism 3.Cumulative Imbalance Cashout – seeks to adopt the cashout fixed differential but applies it to Users’ cumulative imbalances over a prescribed number of days
Review Group 0291 Recommendations 24 th September 2010; RG0291 issued its draft Review Group Report RG0291 concluded that a recommendation could not be made in support of a Modification RG0291 recognised that potential Modifications could be assessed and developed on their own merits National Grid NTS indicated that development Modifications would be raised to allow the process to continue The October UNC Mod Panel will be invited to close the RG0291 Review process and send related Modification/s to development
Inter-day Linepack Product: Development Proposal Out of the three options the Inter-day Linepack Product ‘Bulletin Board’ has progressed most in respect of its development within the Review Group RG0291 undertook an initial review of draft Business Rules of this option National Grid will seek to continue development of the C27 Linepack Product through the Transmission Workstream (Development Proposal)
Inter-day Linepack Product: Overview Inter-day Linepack Product is seeking to: Facilitate the carry-over of a quantity of User’s daily imbalance to the following Gas Day: Two types of Inter-day Linepack Product (Park & Loan) Carry-over achieved by the User placing a bid on the Inter-day Linepack Bulletin Board (and having bid accepted) National Grid NTS will require a new role ‘Inter-day Linepack Manager’ as counter-party to Linepack transactions (requires Licence change) Linepack Product released daily, on a discretionary basis Accepted Linepack Product transactions will be registered as NBP gas trade nominations Receipts from the sale of the Inter-day Linepack Product Service will be returned to Shipper Users through Balancing Neutrality.
Next Steps Development Modification Proposal – ‘Introduction of an Inter-day Linepack Product’ submitted to October 2010 Modification Panel. Recommendation for development within the Transmission Workstream. Agree schedule for development sessions Agree Terms of Reference (ToRs) Aim to get ‘Report’ to Ofgem by 1 st May 2010