The foolishness of man knows no bounds “Why would God destroy such a creation, Max questioned, if Abraham received a blessing filled promise? The dogmatic hellfire-and-brimstone messages of his youth turned Max off. It didn’t make sense to him that the victory of God would involve so many perishing and so few being saved”
The foolishness of man knows no bounds “Why would God want to incinerate such a beautiful earth?”
The foolishness of man knows no bounds “It [Transmillennialism] sees the thrust of the Bible’s speaking about how heaven comes to earth, not primarily about how one gets to heaven”
The foolishness of man knows no bounds Who are we to question God Rom. 9:20; Isa. 55:8, 9
Heresy spreading among churches of Christ called the AD 70 doctrine Pretend wisdom, Rom. 1:22 Profane babbling, 2 Tim. 2:15, 16 Pernicious cancer, 2 Tim. 2:17, 18 Perverted gospel, Gal. 1:6-9
Preposterous claims “In other words, the Kingdom of God, the Second Coming of Christ, the Last Judgment and the Last Resurrection (2 Tim. 4:1) found their consummation at the fall of Jerusalem in the emergence of the New Covenant”
Preposterous claims “Some, throughout cultural history, have seen the greater reality, finding eternal life in the here and now”
Preposterous claims “Heaven is the inner spiritual reality, And earth is the outer visible reality”
Hinges on the Destruction of Jerusalem Christ’s 2 nd Coming Resurrection of the dead Destruction of Hades Judgment Beginning of Heaven & Hell
Hinges on the Destruction of Jerusalem All prophecy fulfilled Kingdom came with power End of Old Covenant The “World” ended
Conclusions reached by Transmillennialists All passages referring to Jesus’ coming refer to 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem The Last Days were from AD
Conclusions reached by Transmillennialists Heaven is now on earth ∙“We are Zion-born— heaven is our birthright, the country we now inhabit”
Conclusions reached by Transmillennialists Heaven is now on earth ∙“Our name announces the fact that the Presence of God has been restored and we live in a face-to-face relationship with God”
Conclusions reached by Transmillennialists The world will never be destroyed
Conclusions reached by Transmillennialists They are smarter than anyone else ∙“There’s a curious irony to the fact that in science or religion, if you’re two steps ahead, you’re hailed as a leader. If you’re five steps ahead, you’re considered a visionary. But if you’re ten steps ahead, you’re a heretic or a madman”
Conclusions reached by Transmillennialists They are smarter than anyone else ∙“In contrast to Lindsey’s phenomenal success, The Spirit of Prophecy received little attention outside of Max’s immediate church tradition. Those who did take notice condemned it, much like the church had once done to Galileo for observing that the earth revolved around the sun”
Conclusions reached by Transmillennialists They are smarter than anyone else ∙“Through The Spirit of Prophecy and all that has followed the last three decades or more, Max King can be credited with founding an entirely new field of Christian millennialism that, unlike other efforts throughout the ages, will not be snuffed out”
The material universe will come to an end Heb. 1:10-12 AD 70: Never ending Bible: beginning & end
All will be resurrected 1 Cor. 15:22 AD 70: final resurrection in 70 AD Hence, die after 70 AD, not resurrected Bible: all resurrected
Heaven is not on earth Treasure, Matt. 6:19-21 In body, absent from the Lord, 2 Cor. 5:8
There is a future judgment Acts 17:30, 31 AD 70: Day of Judgment – Dest. Of Jer. Bible: a Day on which ALL men judged