© CGI GROUP INC. All rights reserved ERP Success: An extraordinary opportunity Gordon Bruce, City and County of Honolulu, HI
Confidential 2 City and County of Honolulu, HI $1.5B budget 10,000 employees 20 departments 1 million + population Project Financial Management VSS HRM/Payroll Performance Budgeting May 2006 to July 2007 February 2009 July 2008 to February 2010 May 2007 to July 2007 (CIP) May 2010 to July 2010 (Ops) About Honolulu City and County Challenge Provide an integrated system to improve financial information and support for stakeholders. Meet the growing demand for timely, accessible, and detailed financial information; Provide a foundation for a more flexible and extensible technology infrastructure. Lay a foundation for exploring more effective and efficient business processes Increase interoperability with other City and County services and systems.
Confidential 3 Enterprise Resource Planning System YearCostWork Task 2005$ 132,864.80ERP Requirements Study 2006$5,747,144.27CGI Implementation Contract and HW/SW 2007$6,970,183.87CGI Implementation Contract and HW/SW 2008$1,195,865.12Financial Training and Budget Program Upgrade 2009$1,386,073.73Reports and Software Modification 2010$1,430,000.00HRM Software Modification TOTAL THROUGH FY10 - $16,862, $1,430,000.00HRM Training Software Modification 2012$ 700,000.00Modifications/Hardware/Consulting 2013$ Modifications/Hardware/Consulting Expended and Encumbered Budgeted/Requested Estimated
Confidential 4 A Template for Successful ERP Partnership, leadership, communication, change management A trusted partnership between the client and the vendor is essential. My philosophy was to combine the client and vendor staff into one consolidated group that reported through 2 project PMs to the Executive Steering Commitee. You need to have unwavering commitment from the highest levels of administration to change the culture of the organization. Implementing a new set of technologies to accommodate old business practices is not the recipe for success. You need to have solid ESC and project leadership to break through the barriers inherent in government Always strive to do the right thing. “Save the Drama for your Mama”
Confidential 5 Benefits ? Significantly enhanced Enterprise Security of Financial Data Real-time transaction information for budget, general accounting and procurement management Extensible n-tier architecture Significant reduction of paper-based processes Expanded system accessibility Enhanced enterprise-wide reporting services Ensure regulatory compliance Enhance enterprise security of HRM data Increase accuracy in payroll processes Significantly made better document retention processes Reduce costly manual HR and payroll processes Phase I - FM/VSS - Phase II - HRM/Payroll - Independent Assessment
Confidential 6 GFOA ROI Findings Based on GFOA findings even if ½ of 1% reduction in costs are realized Honolulu can expect savings that far exceed the investment made in the system thus far GFOA believes Honolulu is well positioned to exceed this percentage Extraordinary opportunity now exists with the current investment and success in ERP technology by addressing GFOA recommended strategies and next steps
Confidential 7 Key Opportunities Many processes were automated but few were improved Operational “silos” still exist Standardization and centralization are key elements of process improvement Many governments overestimate the ability of the user population to learn reporting tools and make use of them Opportunity to redesign ineffective business processes, policies and procedures
Confidential 8 Continuous Improvement Develop an on-going Business Process Improvement Plan Establish an appropriate governance structure Develop a business process change management program INC. MAGAZINE, APRIL 2007 In 2007, Inc. Magazine recognized Honolulu as the “fastest mover” in the country with specific recognition of their efforts in information management and transportation. TOP 25 DOERS, DREAMERS AND DRIVERS In 2008, Mr. Gordon Bruce was named one of the Top 25 Doers, Dreamers and Drivers by Government Technology Magazine and the Center for Digital Government.
Confidential 9 Contact Information Gordon Bruce CIO / Director, Department of Information Technology
Confidential 10 Want to Learn More? Discussion Gateway Network with your AMS Advantage peers! Share expertise and best practices, comment on enhancement requests ams.com/advantage/categories/client Training The latest schedule of upcoming classes, including R3.8 familiarization. Jeremy Krishnan (703) Webinars Each month, AMS Advantage Client Support offers a host of webinars aimed at topics aimed at maximizing your investment. View past recordings at ams.com/advantage/webcasts/recordings Stay tuned for more information! CGI Forum 2010 Online Sessions Sessions are being recorded. Miss one? View it online after the event. Stay tuned for more information!
_experience the commitment TM Our commitment to you We approach every engagement with one objective in mind: to help clients win and grow.