E989 Muon (g-2) EMG Lee Roberts for the E989 Collaboration B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February
Fermilab E989 Collaboration B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February Domestic Universities –Boston –Cornell –Illinois –James Madison –Massachusetts –Mississippi –Kentucky –Michigan –Michigan State –Northern Illinois University –Northwestern –Regis –Virginia –Washington –York College National Labs –Argonne –Brookhaven –Fermilab. Italy –Frascati, –Roma 2, –Udine –Pisa –Naples –Trieste China: –Shanghai The Netherlands: –Groningen Germany: –Dresden Japan: –Osaka Russia: –Dubna –PNPI –Novosibirsk England University College London Liverpool Oxford Rutherford Lab Korea KAIST: IBS CAPP Korea Univesity D.W. Hertzog, Co-Spokesperson B.L. Roberts, Co-Spokesperson C. Polly, Project Manager
What we measure: Muon spin precession frequency in a well defined magnetic field to determine the muon magnetic moment B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February The rate that the spin turns relative to the momentum 0 Using electric vertical focusing in the ring to store muons
There are Three Main Systems The proton/pion/muon beam The precision magnetic field – calibrated to the Larmor frequency of a free proton through NMR The muon spin frequency – using EM calorimeters for muon decay positron detection Need field uniformity to 1 ppm Need 2 × analyzed muon decays Production Protons on Target: 3 × B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February The anomalous part of the magnetic moment: E821E821
B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February p. 5/62 B. L. Roberts, Fermilab, 3 September p. 5/68 Inflector Kicker Modules Storage ring Central orbit Injection orbit Pions p=3.1GeV/c Experimental Technique R=711.2cm d=9cm (1.45T) Electric Quadrupoles x c ≈ 77 mm ≈ 10 mrad B·dl ≈ 0.1 Tm xcxc R R Target narrow bunch of protons Muon storage ring – weak focusing betatron Muon polarization Injection & kicking Focus with electric quads 24 electron calorimeters
B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February 2015 The Beam × 21 statistics ± 100 ppb compared to BNL E821 × 3 systematics ± 70 ppb for a and p Total uncertainty: ± 140 ppb 6 ?
g-2 beamline commissioning plan B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February GeV protons to the target 8 GeV protons around target through M3 to Delivery Ring 8 GeV protons into Delivery Ring 8 GeV protons into Upstream M4 3.1 GeV beam down M2 and M3 3.1 GeV beam straight through Delivery Ring (D30) into M4 and M5 3.1 GeV beam into g-2 Storage Ring 3.1 GeV proton removal in Delivery Ring 3.1 GeV muons to g-2 Storage Ring Tune up towards full intensity Initially use low duty cycle (1 pulse every 10 seconds), 1E12 protons per pulse –Can either use 2.5 MHz bunch or 53 MHz bunches –Could use full batch to increase intensity if needed (up to 4E12) Initially use “relaxed” spot size of 0.5 mm for stability After muons have been established to g-2 ring, reduce spot size, optimize beam ~2mo, 10W beam power ~2mo, 170W ~1mo, 170W ~1mo, 1.5kW
Commissioning: The Storage Ring Magnet B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February
Commissioning: The Storage Ring Magnet Mechanical Shimming of Storage Ring B-Field to <10ppm Uniformity –~9-12 months once cooled/energized Begin Spring 2015 Startup: Understand environment. –Demonstrate shimming tools stability and procedures in MC-1 (1 month) Calibration: Calibrate our models. –Test shimming knobs and compare/contrast to OPERA-2D/3D studies. (2-3 months) Phase 1: Long wavelength –“shim plate” etc. (2-3 months) Phase 2: Edge and Wedge shims –to <10 ppm uniformity (2-3 months) Active Current Shimming to <1ppm Install vacuum chambers between pole pieces (~April 2016) –which contain 375 fixed NMR probes, NMR trolley, other field equipment Tune current distributions to <1ppm Use current shims to produce field gradients to study probe positioning B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February
Commissioning: The Storage Ring Magnet ctd. Commission, inflector, quadrupoles, SR muon kicker Then Detector Installation, DAQ, etc. Once a sufficiently intense muon beam is established: –commission the quads, fast muon kicker and store muons –commission the calorimeters on decay positrons they will have been balanced using the light pulser system in advance –commission the tracking chambers, fiber monitors, B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February
Commissioning: The Storage Ring Magnet Once the magnet is cold and powered shimming will begin. This will take on the order of months Installation of Vacuum Chambers, inflector, kicker –commission inflector Then Detector Installation Once a sufficiently intense muon beam is established: –commission the quads with beam –commission fast muon kicker and store muons Once there is a muon beam in the ring, we can commission the detectors using a low-intensity stored muon beam in parallel with beam studies –Calorimeters will be pre-calibrated with laser system –Trackers will be tested with sources and cosmics before beam B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February
What’s new for a ? PbF 2 calorimeters: 6×9 array of 25 mm 2 New 800 MHz waveform digitizers B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February Photos from SLAC test beam this summer 18 GB/s arXiv: v1 [physics.ins-det] 17 Dec 2014
E989 Tracker System B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February Front-end Electronics Prototype at the Fermilab Test Beam
Non-destructive trackers to measure stored muon profile Entrance counters to determine temporal profile 24 Calorimeter Locations, 3 Tracker Locations B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February Calorimeters Manifold Lid Cooling in Snout (not final design) Flange Straws Cooling out Trackers in modified chamber
E989: How do we measure the muon distributions? trackers at 3 locations track back to point of tangency This permits us measure the muon distribution with a resolution of a few mm. Average field Pitch correction depends on (vertical betatron motion) E-Field correction depends on (not all muons are at the magic B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February
Computing Simulations: –3M CPU hours for the remainder of FY15. –14M CPU hours for FY16. –No estimate yet for FY17, but since we'll be taking data then, assume 15M CPU hours for combined simulation/reconstruction/analysis. –Estimate 1.5 PB over FY15/16 to house the simulations. Data –Raw output: 100 MB/s / 12 fills/s * 260 M fills = 2 PB over two years for raw data –Make 2 copies → 4 PB –Another PB for “derived” data → 5 PB Adam Lyon has been presenting the 5 PB need for several years now to the SCPMT B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February
Reporting Results 1 st significant result - –A new value for the a at the sub ppm level, comparable to final E821 result, ± 0.5 ppm 2 nd significant result - –A new limit on the muon EDM ×10 better than BNL E821 3 rd significant result –An improved value for the muon anomaly at the ± 0.25 ppm, level, half the E821 error 4 th significant result –Final results for the positive muon anomaly ≤ ±0.14 ppm, one quarter of the E821 error 5 th significant result –Final results from the positive muon EDM search ≈ e-cm 6 th significant result –search for CPT and Lorentz Violation 7 th significant result –muon lifetime at B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February
Summary: (assuming 3 Hz from Booster) Shimming 4/15 – 4/16 Beamline Commissioning: 6 months (Jan. 2017???) –to get >90% transmission to the storage ring Ring & Detectors Commissioning: 2 months –with part of this taking place after > 50% transmission Systematic Studies – 2 months –interspersed with the data collection Data Collection time: 7 to 14 production months with peak intensity First Result Goal: –A BNL level dataset events ( ± 0.5 ppm) before 2017 shutdown B. Lee Roberts - EMG- 13 February