INTENDED AUDIENCE The intended audience is anyone who drives under the influence or knows someone who does.
APPEAL OF EMOTION The appeal to emotion is that there is a dead cat and people take notice to dead animals. Also the fact that it is laying next to a bicycle so it makes people think about their children.
APPEAL TO LOGIC The appeal to logic is that you think that a driver under the influence hit the cat and even possibly a child because the bicycle is laying there.
WITHOUT ETHICAL APPEAL This peace loses something in the fact that it does not have a logo from a credible source therefore not as reliable or influential.
WITHOUT WORDS Without the words under the picture this picture doesn’t have much meaning at all it could just be a cat laying asleep next to a bicycle a child left laying there.
Addition of Background The background looks as if though a car is coming over a hill which relates to the driving under the influence.
CITATION recieved February 7,