Decimals, Integers, Exponents, Factors, and Fractions
“In grades 6-8, students should deepen their understanding of fractions, decimals, percents, and integers and they should become proficient in using them to solve problems.” (pg. 215) “At the heart of flexibility in working with rational numbers is a solid understanding of different representations for fractions, decimals, and percents.” (pg. 215)
N1. Use operations involving fractions, decimals, introduce irrationals, scientific notation, integers, and determine reasonableness of an answer: A. Exponents B. Sets C. Properties D. Order of operations E. Compare and order F. Real number line
1. Demonstrate computational fluency with addition, subtraction, and multiplication of integers. a Developing algorithms for performing operations on integers Example: determining a systematic set of steps that can be used to subtract integers b Using inverse properties of addition and of multiplication 2. Use order of operations to evaluate numerical expressions. a Computing absolute values b Finding square roots of perfect squares through 225 c Evaluating powers d Applying properties of operations to compute with integers, fractions, and decimals
Decimal Switch ◦ Sock ◦ Decimals in Space ◦ games/place-value/decimal-place-value-math-game games/place-value/decimal-place-value-math-game Decimal Jeopardy Game ◦ Calculator ◦ Able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals ◦ Able to move from a fraction to a decimal
Integer Instructions ◦ Number Balls ◦ games/order-positive-negative-integers/ games/order-positive-negative-integers/ Multiplication of Integers ◦ rmultiply.html#section3 rmultiply.html#section3 Division of Integers ◦ rdivision.html rdivision.html Calculator ◦ Able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers
Exponent Rules Game ◦ Tic Tac Toe ◦ Greater Than Less Than Game ◦ sp sp Scientific Notation Exponent Game ◦ Calculator ◦ Able to calculate exponents ◦ Able to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers with exponents Excel ◦ Able to calculate exponents
Fraction Switch ◦ Equivalent Fractions ◦ Fraction Addition ◦ Clara’s Fraction Ice Cream Shop ◦ Multiply Fractions Jeopardy ◦ Calculator ◦ Able to move from decimals to fractions
Factor Game ◦ =12 =12 Venn Diagrams of Factors ◦ vennfactorload.html vennfactorload.html Factorize ◦ orize/ orize/
As reinforcement As primary investigation As a chance to see what the students already know As an informal assessment
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Nation Council of Teachers of Mathematics. TEAM-Math. Retrieved November 26, 2009, from TEAM-Math Curriculum Guide Web site: Given websites for activities