Hebrews: The Voice of a NT Prophet
Hebrews 7-10 Jesus: A whole new way of relating to God
The System: A total package (7:12) King – Vassal relationship Terms of covenant For law breaking To offer sacrifices Covenant Laws Sacrifice Priests Where priests perform Temple The new system: a total replacement!
System Replacement Priesthood Covenant Tabernacle/temple Sacrifice Salvation
A better priesthood Chapter 7
Abraham Levi Aaron Nadab & Abihu Ithamar Eleazar Eli Hophni & Phinehas Ichabod! Unholy fire Zadok Caiaphas & Annas Sentenced Messiah Melchisedek Jesus Christ Priest & King David
1.Forever (7:15-19, 23-25) 2.Ordained by oath (7:20-22) 3.Morally perfect (7:26-28) 4.Serves in heaven (8:1-5) This Priesthood
A better covenant Hebrews 8:6-7
The New Covenant: Kainos 1.Overcomes all old divisions (8:8) 2.Overcomes the fatal flaw (8:9) 3.Internal, not external (8:10) 4.Individual relationship (8:11) 5.Brings real forgiveness (8:12) Old is obsolete, ageing, ready to disappear (8:13)
A better tabernacle/temple Hebrews 9
The Tabernacle (9:1-10) X
The Tabernacle (9:11-16) Jesus
This age The End Age to Come RPM&M The Christian community The Christian community Prophetic message is “in” the kingdom
The Tabernacle Architecture This AgeThe Coming Age
The Tabernacle: Peter and Paul Men Women
The New Covenant as Testanent (9:16-22) Wills: 1.Are unilateral 2.An executor is appointed 3.The death of the testator must be established 4.The beneficiaries receive the assets Jesus: Testator & Executor