Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/091 TIARA WP5 Philip Burrows John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Oxford University
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/092 Developing education and training for Accelerator Science in Europe … development of structures and mechanisms that allow efficient education and training of human resources and facilitate their exchange among the partner facilities. P. Burrows (UK/STFC), D. Brandt (CERN), M. Marco (CIEMAT), A. Mueller (IN2P3) P. Vedrine (CEA), O. Boine-Frankenheim (GSI), V. Vaccaro (INFN), L. Rivkin (PSI), S. Pape Moeller (Uppsala) Person-months: 52 ( ) Travel: 62.4 kEuro (4x4x3 + 5x2x3 = 78 units)
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/093 WP5: outline WP5.1 Make a survey of the number of students, courses and teaching resources in Accelerator Science and establish a common resources database WP5.2 Evaluate and develop the “market” for trained Accelerator Scientists (physicists, engineers, technicians) for research, healthcare, industry and public service WP5.3 Determine a plan of action for promoting Accelerator Sciences within schools, universities, research organisations, industry and society
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/094 WP5: deliverables month D5.1 Education and training survey report 10 D5.2 Education and training resources database14 D5.3 Needs for accelerator scientists report 22 D5.4 Recommendations for promoting Accelerator Sciences in Europe report33
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/095 WP5: work schedule Interactions with WPs 3 and 6
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/096 Extra material follows
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/097 Work plan: WP5.1 WP5.1 will carry out a survey of the number of Accelerator Science students and trainees and its evolution in Europe. It will also survey the available courses and teaching resources (including text books, lecture courses, and www-based materials) in European universities, laboratories and research organisations. A database of accessible training materials will be set up and updated regularly.
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/098 Work plan: WP5.2 WP5.2 will evaluate and develop the “market” for trained Accelerator Scientists, including physicists, engineers and technicians, for research, healthcare, industry and public service. One possibility to be explored is the creation of a centralized database of career opportunities for Accelerator Scientists within Europe. This study will be widely publicized and regularly updated to reflect (often rapid) developments in the field.
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/099 Work plan: WP5.3 WP5.3 will establish of a plan of action for promoting Accelerator Science at multiple levels: i) within schools, in order to help attract bright young people into science and engineering disciplines; ii) within universities, in order to enhance the pool of graduate-level trained individuals; iii) within universities and research organisations that provide postgraduate qualifications (Masters and PhDs), in order to ensure the flow of highly-skilled individuals; iv) within industry, so as to capitalize on Accelerator Science technologies and applications; v) within society at large, in order to assist understanding of the many societal benefits that are built upon Accelerator Science.
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/0910 Work plan: WP5.3.1 Developing the European academic sector for accelerator sciences: Creation of a European masters (consistent with the Bologna process) in Accelerator Science. Grants for European masters/PhD studies in Accelerator Science. Internships for masters/PhD students. Joint organization/coordination of courses and training schools. Integration of accelerator science training infrastructures within accelerator R&D laboratories.
Philip Burrows TIARA Preparation Board, CERN, 2/11/0911 Work plan: WP5.3.2 Training and transfer of knowledge between research centres, including healthcare and industry: Exchange of staff between centres Joint training programmes Accelerator operations training Evaluation of required resources for the proposed actions