ATL will focus on the following global context to help you develop an holistic approach to your personal and professional goals CommunitiesTechnologies EnvironmentsWorkplace
ATL aims to provide students with the opportunity to grow personally and professionally in a set of skills that are essential to life learning. Thinking -ethical -critical -creative -problem solving -lateral thinking Intercultural Understanding -your culture -other cultures -language and culture -intercultural engagement Communication -interpersonal -formal writing -presentation skills -numeracy -IT skills Personal Development -emotional intelligence -process skills -multiple intelligences -organization skills
How do I learn and grow? Personal Development A. Emotional Intelligence vs. Intelligence Quotient B. Multiple Intelligences C. Career Inquiry and preparation D. Processing and Organizational skills
Who am I? Who are you? We are all part of the Human Race – Intercultural Understanding A. Define your culture.B. Cultural comparison C. What is language? -formal -informal -body -dialect D. Diversity in the workplace
Thinking – Critical, Creative, Ethical, and Lateral A.Critical vs. Creative Thinking -Attributes of a critical thinker -applications to careers B. Ethical Thinking -Ethics vs. morality -cultural relativity -conflict resolution -cultural inclusivity C. Lateral Thinking in context -concept mapping -application to work-related scenarios
Communication: “Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?” A.Interpersonal communication skills -active listening -learning empathy -body language -resolving conflict B. IT and presentation skills -source credibility -PowerPoint/Keynote -creating a résumé -research on an ethical dilemma in your field.
Career Focus At the end of this course, you should feel you know Your Workplace Skills, Goals, and the steps to make those goals a reality