ICT Smartcities 2013 FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013 Kick Off Meeting Athens October 23, OPTIMising the energy USe in cities with smart decision support system (OPTIMUS) Objective ICT Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Cities Small or medium scale focused research project (STREP) “WP4 Presentation and Next Steps” D’Appolonia Lorenzo Facco Alessandro Venturin
WP4 Participants and Roles WP Leader D’Appolonia Task Leaders T4.1 & T4.6: NTUA T4.2 & T4.4: D’Appolonia T4.5: POLITO T4.3: CENS-UNIGE, Comune di Savona, Municipality of Zaanstad, Ajuntament de Sant Cugat
WP4 Participants and Roles NameEffort [person-months]Notes D’Appolonia15WP Leader Task Leader T4.2 & T4.4 NTUA15Task Leader T4.1 & T4.6 CENS-UNIGE2Task Leader T4.3 Comune di Savona5Task Leader T4.3 Ajuntament de Sant Cugat13Task Leader T4.3 Municipality of Zaanstad9Task Leader T4.3 POLITO8Task Leader T4.5 FUNITEC6 ICLEI Europe6 TECNALIA7 Sense One Technologies1
WP4 Objectives Overview of the current status of energy optimization and efficiency (infrastructure, tools, energy options and strategies in each city); Identification of the energy optimization/efficiency issues in each city, in line with the EU priorities, to discuss during the pilot implementation phase of the project; Design and preparation of a pilot operation for the OPTIMUS DSS and its modules in a pragmatic environment so as to set a substantial validation phase in real-life environments; Smooth and uninterrupted execution of the pilot operation; Overall evaluation of the system’s efficiency and added value, highlighting achievable energy savings and CO2 emissions reduction; To provide the stakeholders involved with a socio-economic analysis of the impacts of the introduction of the DSS; Promoting the introduction of ICT within Cities; Provision of a set of requirements specifications that will help refine the functionality of several of the system components during the integration procedure; Implementation of training courses to target groups (link to WP5).
WP4 Interconnections T1.2 Development of Smart City ex-post and ex-ante Energy Assessment Framework T4.1 Application of Smart City ex-ante Assessment Framework on the cities T4.3 Pilot Cases Implementation T1.3 Users Requirements T3.5 Integration and Development of OPTIMUS DSS T5.3 Design and Production of Dissemination and Training Material T4.6 Technical Training Activities
Facts, Assumptions (and Risks) no delays in the selection and set up of the buildings for the pilot applications no external events raising barriers to the deployment of the pilot sites -> SCEAF is applied in due time important evidences are drawn from the pilot applications good reaction from the users and all their requirements are easily detected -> pilot site applications are effective the end users show interest in training and learning new approaches -> success of technical training activities perfect cooperation among Partners to respect deadlines and input requests -> the interconnections are well tuned
WP4 Breakdown of Activities Task 4.1 – Application of Smart City ex-ante Assessment Framework on the cities Task 4.2 – Pilot Cases’ Setup & OPTIMUS DSS Installation (customization) Task 4.3 – Pilot Cases Implementation Task 4.4 – Pilot Cases Evaluation Task 4.5 – Application of Smart City ex-post Assessment Framework on the cities (impact analysis) Task 4.6 – Technical Training Activities
WP4 Tasks Description Task 4.1 – Application of Smart City ex-ante Assessment Framework on the cities Task Leader: NTUA Actions: Creation of the Baseline Scenario Production of indicators (strategy and general context of the city, main stakeholders, existing and planned energy infrastructures and sources, actions in the field of ICT and Smart Grids, monitoring, accounting of the greenhouse gas emissions). The correct set up of the baseline scenario, under the following approach: definition of the proper set of indicators; data collection and screening of the city conditions; creation of a clear picture of the city with the analysis of the data and the ranking of indicators (benchmark analysis). Use of the described approach in each pilot city.
WP4 Tasks Description Goals: Analysis of the actual infrastructure, tools, energy options and strategies which lie in each city. To design and deploy the pilots in the most targeted and efficient way. Compliance with and overtake of the emission reduction and energy consumption targets (EU directive ): targets above 20% in energy consumptions and GHG emissions reduction. Respect and enhancement of the goals of the SEAP of the three Municipalities (Covenant of Mayors initiative). Timing: M5 to M9 Deliverable: Baseline Analysis Report due at M9, presenting the results of the application of the ex-ante assessment framework in each pilot site
WP4 Tasks Description Task 4.2 – Pilot Cases’ Setup & OPTIMUS DSS Installation (customization) Task Leader: D’Appolonia Actions: Customization of the OPTIMUS DSS according the results of Task 4.1. Provision to the cities of all the necessary systems: ICT equipment (software/hardware installation), technical instrumentation (measurement instruments, electrical connections, etc.). Attention paid to flexibility and possibility of fine-tuning of the system. Installation of the OPTIMUS Platform foreseen in a central server at the premises of NTUA: full access through web for the Cities.
WP4 Tasks Description Goals: Overall purpose is to test the OPTIMUS DSS system in realistic and different environments. Timing: M22 to M24 Deliverable: Pilot Operational Plan, due at M24, illustrating the customization and the set-up of the DSS and the detailed plan for each pilot case.
WP4 Tasks Description Task 4.3 – Pilot Cases Implementation Task Leaders: Zaanstad, Savona, CENS-UNIGE, Sant Cugat Actions: Application of the OPTIMUS DSS to existing environments. Optimization of the systems management and of their performances. Execution of several scenarios corresponding to various alternatives of the energy use and needs. Engagement of consortium members and cities, citizens, energy providers, individual experts and decision makers. Testing of the system during short peculiar conditions and for long periods, to assess strengths and weakness and reliability. Accurate data monitoring.
WP4 Tasks Description Goals: Main purpose is to achieve quantifiable and significant reduction of energy consumption and CO 2 emissions achieved through ICT and adoption of ICT by city authorities. The system will provide the pilot users with all the necessary facilities for Decision making procedure and evaluation, as well as all supplementary services, i.e. discussion facilities, information gathering, results structuring. Timing: M25 to M32 Deliverable: D4.3: Pilot Case Report – Savona – due at M32 D4.4: Pilot Case Report – Zaanstad – due at M32 D4.5: Pilot Case Report – Sant Cugat – due at M32
WP4 Tasks Description Task 4.4 – Pilot Cases Evaluation Task Leader: D’Appolonia Actions: Realization of qualitative and quantitative analysis of each Pilot application. Accurate evaluation of the outcomes on different layers: energy (energy consumptions, savings, actual demands; GHG emissions), economical (implementation&operational costs, cost/effectiveness of new solutions, tariffs), market (scalability, replication, market possibilities), social (user’s acceptance, behaviour modification, lessons learnt). Application of the system to different Smart Cities and data monitoring in different operation conditions. Verification of success on Pilot Implementation through publications in peer-reviewed journal/international conferences.
WP4 Tasks Description Goals: This task will have as main purpose to evaluate the use and functionality of the developed DSS. To achieve indications on the dependence of efficiency and effectiveness on different parameters such as City size, weather conditions, load profiles, etc. Reduction of energy consumptions and energy emissions through the successful completion of pilot operation period and wide acceptance of OPTIMUS DSS by participating cities’ authorities Timing: M33 to M35 Deliverable: D4.6 Evaluation Report, due at M35, presenting the evidences of the overall OPTIMUS DSS evaluation during the Pilot Operation period
WP4 Tasks Description Task 4.5 – Application of Smart City ex-post Assessment Framework on the cities (Impact Analysis) Task Leader: POLITO Actions: To assess the achieved impacts, in terms of reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Evaluation of the indicators defined within Task 4.1 to point out the achieved benefits, the accomplished targets, possible weaknesses. Analysis of data evolution (ex-ante to the ex-post) to evaluate the system’s efficiency and added value.
WP4 Tasks Description Goals: “Impact Analysis” to produce a set of requirements specifications. Timing: M33 to M35 Deliverable: D4.7 Impact Analysis Report, due at M35, presenting the achieved impacts in terms of energy consumption and CO 2 emissions reduction
WP4 Tasks Description Task 4.6 – Technical Training Activities Task Leader: NTUA Actions: Training activities to enhance the capacity of the local players. Training in participating cities with three 3-day events will be organized, devoted to Cities’ Executives, Local Energy Managers and Capacity Building Activities. Additional training activities will be carried out (such as ‘class-based’ courses, tutorials and workshops and via e-learning platform).
WP4 Tasks Description Goals: To enhance the capacity of the local actors and to familiarize them with OPTIMUS Project and methodologies. To dissemin ate the project approach and results to the local city stakeholders. To implement the training courses to target groups (to be organized in WP5). Timing: M22 to M36 Deliverables: The reports of these activities will be presented in deliverables 5.7, D5.8 and D5.9.
WP4 Deliverables and Milestones List of Deliverables: D4.1 Baseline Analysis Report at M9 D4.2 Pilot Operation Plan at M24 D4.3 Pilot Case Report (Savona) at M32 D4.4 Pilot Case Report (Zaanstad) at M32 D4.5 Pilot Case Report (Sant Cugat) at M32 D4.6 Evaluation Report at M35 D4.7 Impact Analysis Report at M35 List of Milestones: MS5 Completion of validation phase at M35
WP4 Timeframe TaskM1 to M4 M5M6M7M8M9M10 to M21 M22M23M24M25M26M27M28M29M30M31M32M33M34M35M […] Deliverable due Milestone
Thank you for your attention Any Questions?