PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 1.altruistic~ adjective, unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others generous concerned for others belligerent stingy selfish SynonymAntonym The altruistic gentleman volunteered his time and gave his money to the homeless shelter.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 2. ambivalent~ adjective, uncertainty or fluctuation, esp. when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things. undecided unable to choose certain firmly convinced SynonymAntonym The student was ambivalent about what class to take for her elective.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 3. angular~ adjective, having an angle or angles. lean, gaunt sharp-cornered rotund fat portly Synonym Antonym The tall, angular woman wore the newest coat from the Calvin Klein collection.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 4.arrogant~ adjective, making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud overbearingly assuming meek modest Synonym Antonym He was so arrogant that he thought he could win the football game all by himself.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 5.aversion~ –noun, a strong feeling of dislike contempt intense dislike inclination approval SynonymAntonym I have an aversion to lima beans or anything else that goes mush in my mouth.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 6.discern~ verb, to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize, or apprehend to perceive to differentiate to ignore to be oblivious to confuse SynonymAntonym The fashion expert could not discern the real True Religion jeans from the knock offs.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 7. disdain ~ –noun, a feeling of contempt for anything regarded as unworthy; haughty contempt; scorn. strong disinclination dislike love admiration favor Synonym Antonym The cat viewed the cheap supermarket cat food with disdain and stalked away.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 8.disparage~ verb, to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle to speak badly of to degrade to praise profusely SynonymAntonym Tito Ortiz never misses a chance to disparage his opponents.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson 1 9.disparity ~ noun, lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference inequality in age, rank, degree similarity equality Synonym Antonym The couple got married even though there was a great disparity in their ages.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson embellish~ verb, to beautify by or as if by ornamentation; ornament; adorn to decorate to adorn to ornament to abbreviate to strip of ornaments SynonymAntonym The old book cover was embellished with golden letters.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson engender ~ verb, to produce, cause, or give rise to to originate to produce to squelch to hamper SynonymAntonym During the Olympics, the victories of U.S. athletes engender a patriotic spirit among Americans.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson innocuous ~ adjective, not harmful or injurious; harmless harmless innocent harmful Synonym Antonym The innocuous remark was not found to be offensive.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson insipid ~ adjective, without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities boring and stupid exciting spicy Synonym Antonym The play was so insipid, I fell asleep halfway through.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson lament ~ verb, to feel or express sorrow or regret for to mourn to wail to rejoice Synonym Antonym The student will lament ditching his classes when he realizes how far behind he will be.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson laud~ verb, to praise; extol to praise to extol to defame to criticize Synonym Antonym The coach lauded the talents of his new quarterback.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson obscure ~ adjective,not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain not clear or distinct clear apparent SynonymAntonym The obscure sentence in the contract was confusing.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson ostentatious~ adjective, characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others showy pretentious modest plain Synonym Antonym The student always dressed in an ostentatious fashion.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson prodigal~ adjective, wastefully or recklessly extravagant wastefully extravagant lavish cautious prudent Synonym Antonym The father welcomed back the prodigal son with open arms.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson repudiate~ verb, to reject as having no authority or binding force to disown to reject to disavow to adopt to acknowledge Synonym Antonym He announced that he would repudiate all debts.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson reticence~ noun, disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved reserve taciturnity silence candor outspokenness Synonym Antonym The teacher appreciated the students’ reticence during the lecture.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson revere ~ verb, to regard with respect tinged with awe to honor to worship to despise to depreciate Synonym Antonym The child revered her mother.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson serene~ adjective, calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled calm placid agitated nervous SynonymAntonym I was looking for a serene place to do my work so I could concentrate.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson subtle~ adjective, fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand delicate elusive not obvious gross blunt SynonymAntonym The subtle irony in story was difficult to understand.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson superfluous~ adjective, being more than is sufficient or required; excessive needless overflowing extra necessary required SynonymAntonym The teacher created a superfluous PowerPoint for her students.
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Lesson taciturn~ adjective, inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation quiet saying little usually silent loquacious talkative garrulous SynonymAntonym The man’s taciturn nature made him appear to be arrogant.