Orientation to B260 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice
B260 Didactic Faculty Kristen Needler, MSN, RN, CNE ▫Office NU W418 Vema Sweitzer, MN, RN, CNE ▫Office NU W428
B260 Clinical Faculty: Thursday ▫8-11 Kristin Zemke, MSN, RN at Methodist A5N Allison Stillwell, MSN, RN at Methodist B7 ▫11:15-2:15 Tonya Padgett, MSN, RN at Eskenazi Christy Jones, MSN, RN at Community East 5 Tower Jaime Barnard, MSN, RN at Methodist A6S
B260 Clinical Faculty: Friday 8-11 ▫Vema Sweitzer, MN, RN at University 4N ▫Lisa Greenan, MSN, RN at University 3S ▫Cheryl Champagne, RN at Methodist A5N 11:15-2:15 ▫Christy Jones, MSN, RN at Community East 5 Tower ▫Jaime Barnard, MSN, RN at Methodist A6S ▫Allison Stillwell, MSN, RN at Methodist B7 2:30-5:30 ▫Kristen Needler, MSN, RN at St. Francis 3W ▫Tonya Padgett, MSN, RN at Eskenazi 8W ▫Madonna Wilson, MSN, RN at University OT U
Welcome! Course Overview Schedule (s): on Canvas Learning Experience Fundamental Skills Expectations of Students Course Clinical Competencies Method of Student Evaluation
Course Description: This course focuses on the fundamentals of nursing from a theoretical, evidence base. Students will gain a knowledge base for, and have an opportunity to apply, fundamental nursing concepts, skills and the nursing process. The evidence based knowledge gained forms a basis for clinical reasoning and decision making as students develop their nursing skills.
Course Competencies Apply evidence based clinical reasoning to fundamental nursing concepts in the performance of fundamental skills and the nursing process.
Course Competencies Examine the impact of cultural and individual differences on fundamental nursing concepts, and in the performance of fundamental skills and the nursing process.
Course Competencies Identify and follow safe guidelines in the performance of fundamental nursing skills.
Course Competencies Describe and demonstrate steps and rationales in the performance of fundamental nursing skills and the nursing process.
Course Competencies Explore and demonstrate effective communication in obtaining and conveying relevant information regarding fundamental nursing concepts, skills and the nursing process to faculty, interprofessional team members, patients and their support systems.
Course Competencies Discuss and correctly utilize technology in the retrieval and reporting of pertinent information related to fundamental nursing concepts, skills and the nursing process.
Course Competencies Identify and provide knowledge and resources necessary to teach patients and/or significant others fundamental nursing concepts, skills and the nursing process.
Course Competencies Demonstrate accountability and professional behavior in the classroom/lab/clinical area.
Course Competencies Describe and consider the nurse’s legal/ethical responsibilities regarding fundamental nursing concepts, skills and the nursing process.
Uniform Policy for Lab and Clinical Red scrubs with white under shirt Student ID and clean white shoes and white shocks Wristwatch with a second hand Limited jewelry Hair off collar No perfume/aftershave Stethoscope Black Pen Scissors
Absence Policy for Lab and Clinical Failure to attend all practicum/clinical experiences places the student at risk for not meeting course objectives Students who miss more than 20% of clinical time will be given the option to either withdraw from the course prior to printed deadlines or take a grade of F in the course
Absence Policy for Lab and Clinical Notify clinical instructor and clinical unit at least one hour prior to a scheduled practicum/clinical experience Students who do not notify course faculty and appropriate agency contacts are in jeopardy of failing the course
Lab Policies Place manikins in beds or chairs at end of class Straighten beds and lay flat All areas should be clean and tidy Chairs are to be placed under tables Return supplies No eating in lab Drinks must be in spill free containers Do not sit on tables (breaks wheels)
Skills Lab Preparation & Practice Extra practice times Roles Faculty Student Skills videos Simulations
Testing in the lab Abbreviation test Skill videos ▫Dressing change ▫Foley catheter ▫SQ injection ▫IM injection ▫IV piggyback
Video Instructions
Expectations Weekly assignments ▫Reading assignments for lecture ▫Activities assigned in lab ▫Recording a video when assigned Lab preparation ▫Reading assignments for Lab ▫Watching assigned videos Clinical preparation ▫Written assignments ▫4 clinical days from 7:00-3:00 at the end of the semester
Simulations Simulations help prepare us for real-life situations so we will know what to do if we have a similar experience in a clinical atmosphere. Dates: ▫April 2 nd or 3 rd ▫April 9 th or 10 th
B260 Clinical Evaluational Tool Evaluation will be done on the 5 th week, 9 th week (formative) and at the end of clinical (summative).
Lab Policies Place manikins in beds or chairs at end of class Straighten beds and lay flat All areas should be clean and tidy Chairs are to be placed under tables Return supplies No eating in lab Drinks must be in spill free containers Do not sit on tables (breaks wheels)
Required Books Curren, A.M. (2010). Dimensional analysis for meds (4th ed.). Lewis, S.M., Heitkemper, M.M., & Dirksen, S.R. (2014). Medical surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (9th ed.). Pagana, K.D., & Pagana, T.J. (2013). Mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests (5th ed.). Potter, P.A., & Perry, A.G. (2013). Fundamentals of nursing (8th ed.). Skidmore-Roth, L. (2014). Mosby's nursing drug reference (24th ed.).
Part of the HealthCare Team an/WBT/2011/leadership/standards_of_service /vidplayer/ an/WBT/2011/leadership/standards_of_service /vidplayer/ Student Profile Professional Statement
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