HMH Collection 6 January 2016
Essential Questions 1. Why do myths endure? 2. How is Greek mythology evident in our world today? 3. What is the origin of Greek mythology?
What is a myth? A myth is a story, created collectively by a whole or society over a period of time once believed to be true, that embodies some of the wisdom and truth valued by that society. These stories may help to explain why the world works the way it does, to provide a rationale for customs and observances, to establish set rituals for ceremonies, and to predict what happens to individuals after death.
Oral Tradition… Ancient stories, folk lore, historical traditions and beliefs passed down from one generation to the next. Verbally told in speech, song, folktales, poetry, etc. Not written down until much later. Many of these stories changed over time.
Gods and Goddesses… Ruled all of human life. They looked like men and women. Had many of the same strengths and weaknesses of humans such as greed, courage, passion, anger, etc.
Types of Myths… Cosmic myths Concern creation and the end of the world Theistic myths Concern gods such as Zeus or Athena Hero myths Concern individuals such as Heracles, Perseus, and Achilles Place/Object myths Concern items or places such as the golden fleece; the Trojan war
Who created myths? Ancient Greeks, Romans, Aztecs, ancient Egyptians, Norse Vikings, North American Indians, Chinese, inhabitants of India – e3very ancient civilization – developed a system of mythology to explain their world. Many answer questions such as: Who am I? What is this world around me? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life?
Purposes of Mythology… Myths grant continuity and stability to a culture. Myths present guidelines for living. Myths justify a culture’s activities. Myths give meaning to life. Myths explain the unexplainable. Myths offer role models.
Legacy of the ancient Greeks… Science and mathematics A system of medicine Arts, drama, poetry, sculpture, literature, architecture Law, government, democracy developed in Athens Military tactics Name brands such as Nike, and team names such as Titans, Spartans, Trojans