Hindu Sculpture and Architecture OM SHANTI
Shiva as Mahadeva, cave 1, Elephanta, India, ca. 550–575. Basalt, Shiva 17’ 10” high. 2
Boar avatar of Vishnu rescuing the earth, cave 5, Udayagiri, India, early fifth century. Relief 13’ X 22’; Vishnu 12’ 8” high. 3
Dancing Shiva, rock-cut relief in cave temple, Badami, India, late sixth century 4
Shiva Nataraja Lord of the Dance
Describe the significance of each of the following: Ring of Cosmic Fire Third Eye Multiple Arms Drum Lotus Base The use of bronze as a material
Shiva as Nataraja, ca Bronze. Naltunai Ishvaram Temple, Punjai. 7
Vishnu Temple (looking north), Deogarh, India, early sixth century. 12
Vishnu asleep on the serpent Ananta, relief panel on the south facade of the Vishnu Temple, Deogarh, India, early sixth century. 13
Rock-cut rathas, Mamallapuram, India, second half of seventh century. From left to right: Dharmaraja, Bhima, Arjuna, and Draupadi rathas. 14
Descent of the Ganges River (or Penance of Arjuna), rock-cut relief, Mamallapuram, India, first half of seventh century CE. Granite, 20’ high. 15
Durga Slaying the Buffalo Demon Manisha, rock-cut relief in the Mahishasuramardini cave temple, Mamallapuram, India, seventh century CE. Granite, 9’ high. 16
Rajarajeshvara Temple, Thanjavur, India, ca
Kailasanatha Temple (looking southwest), Ellora, India, second half of eighth century CE. 18
Vishvanatha Temple (view looking north, left, and plan, right), Khajuraho, India, ca
Mithuna reliefs, detail of the north side of the Vishvanatha Temple, Khajuraho, India, ca