The legal framework Law nr. 102-XV from on employment and social protection of the jobseekers Law nr. 279-XIV from on youth. National Strategy on Development youth sector 2020
Youth unemployment rate by age, % Unemployed (thousand person)13,826,2 Unemployment rate (%)12,89,7
Main issues of high unemployment among young people no work experience lack of employment opportunities gap between demand and supply Labor migration low wages
Employment measures provided for youth The National Employment Agency (NEA) is implementing on the labour market the active and passive policies and programs for the jobseekers, including for the young people through the territorial employment agencies.
Employment measures provided for youth in 2015 Active measures information and professional counselling services, for about Youth labour mediation services, including job fairs, for about Youth professional orientation and training services, for 2089 Youth Passive measures unemployment benefit professional integration or reintegration allowance
Employment measures provided for youth on-line platform of job fairs development of job and CV portal allowing employers and people looking for a job to place vacancies and CV, ensuring automatic correlation supply and demand; Call center – Labour Market, tel (free call from any locality in the Republic of Moldova) and (chargeable call from abroad); Labour Market Information Center within the Employment Agency
Measures planned to be taken to improve the youth employment 1.Draft on Employment Law Support for the acquisition of professional skills Traineeship and apprenticeship Support for self-employment (youth with disability) 2.Draft on National Employment Strategy Education and better qualifications to increase employability of youth Creation of employment opportunities due to the implementation of employment policies and non- discriminatory measures on the labor market Using the experience of migrants for sustainable development
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