Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) EXAMPLE ONLY c300 (min) Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceAt Level 1 and below seen as a minimum requirement to gain work ethic and experience c (link to WE coding) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) TBC Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L1 Award in Employability skills QAN 600/57555 Example - 46 Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity © CITY & GUILDS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY Under the latest Government actions, full time learners will be required to be on a programme that is no less than 540 Guide Learning Hours for a full time programme, with 600 being the optimum, although they can be larger and self funded above this level. LEVEL SECTOR (EXAMPLE TEMPLATE)
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L1 Diploma in Introduction to Professional Cookery ( ) 440glh Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh C45 or n/a if appropriate GCSE obtained Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh C45 or n/a if appropriate GCSE obtained Work ExperienceAt Level 1 and below seen as a minimum requirement to gain work ethic and experience but limited if using high value GLH core qualification Optional 30 Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) 30 Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) Option – L1 Award in Introduction to Professional Food and Beverage services (40-53glh) not used in this example unless appropriate GCSE obtained – otherwise 46glh Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 560 – option 590 © CITY & GUILDS In this example could be used as stand alone if the learner has the appropriate GCSE grades of A*-C Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 1: OPTION 1 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L1 Certificate in Introduction to Culinary Skills ( ) 270glh Depending on options ( glh) Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceAt Level 1 and below seen as a minimum requirement to gain work ethic and experience Optional 48 (Band 1) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) 30 Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L1 Certificate in Professional Food and Beverage Services ( )) 112glh ( glh) Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 540 © CITY & GUILDS In this model you could use the Culinary Skills as a stand alone core qualification but its possible to add the Food and beverage depending on internal decisions over hours available. Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 1: OPTION 2 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L1 Diploma in Introduction to Hospitality Industry ( ) 330glh Depending on options ( glh) Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceAt Level 1 and below seen as a minimum requirement to gain work ethic and experience Optional 25 (Band 1) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) 30 Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L1 Award in Introduction to Culinary Skills ( ) 75glh (30-120glh) Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 550 © CITY & GUILDS In this model you could use the Introduction to Hospitality as a ‘stand alone’ core qualification but its possible to add the L1 Award in Introduction to Culinary Skills depending on internal decisions over hours available. If stand alone higher levels of work experience and/or tutorial could be used for individual needs. Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 1: OPTION 3 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L2 Diploma in Professional Cookery ( ) 438 glh Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceAt Level 1 and below seen as a minimum requirement to gain work ethic and experience but more limited if using high value GLH core qualification Optional (Band 1) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) 12 Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L2 Award in Professional Food and Beverage Services ( ) (33-53glh) 43glh optional (33-53glh) Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity © CITY & GUILDS In this model you could use the L1 Award in Professional Food and Beverage but work experience options are probably more favourable unless using WE option at L3 due to employer engagement volumes/opportunities Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS Note: Where the leaner does have GCSE grades A*-C then other option need to be considered for planned hours CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 2: OPTION 1 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) X L2 Diploma in Culinary Skills ( ) 307 glh ( glh) Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceAt Level 1 and below seen as a minimum requirement to gain work ethic and experience but more limited if using high value GLH core qualification 100 Optional (Band 2 or 3 ) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) 45 optional Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L2 Certificate in Professional Food and Beverage Skills ( ) 118glh optional ( glh) Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity © CITY & GUILDS In this model is ideal for stand alone Culinary Skills – it meets the ‘core’ requirements, therefore depending on options you could look at WE opportunities and/or using the L2 Professional Food and Beverage for added skills to help with future employment opportunities. Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs. with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math‘s) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 2: OPTION 2 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L2 Diploma in Professional Food and Beverage Services ( ) 305glh Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceAt Level 1 and below seen as a minimum requirement to gain work ethic and experience but more limited if using high value GLH core qualification 100 Optional (Band 2 or 3 ) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) 45 optional Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L2 Certificate in Culinary Skills ( ) 85 glh optional (62-108glh) Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 540 – 510 but boosted by WE or non accredited © CITY & GUILDS In this model is ideal for stand alone Diploma – it meets the ‘core’ requirements, therefore depending on options you could look at WE opportunities and/or using the L2 Certificate in Culinary Skills for added skills to help with future employment opportunities. Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 2: OPTION 3 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L2 NVQ Diploma in Professional Cookery Alternative: X L2 NVQ Diploma in Professional Cookery (Preparation and Cooking) - ( ) glh 488glh Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceWith an NVQ then work experience should be built in as part of the experience and RWE would be used to gain the necessary skills n/a Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) Could be used to deliver planned hrs depending on FS needs Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 540 – 600+ © CITY & GUILDS Due to higher ‘core’ hours decisions need to be made about GCSE vs.FS requirements. Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 2: OPTION 4 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING (NVQ)
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L2 NVQ Diploma in Hospitality Services ( ) Alternative could be: X L2 Diploma in Culinary Skills ( ) – but not an NVQ 286glh ( glh) Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceWith an NVQ then work experience should be built in as part of the experience (Band 2 or 3) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) 30 optional Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L2 Certificate in Professional Food and Beverage Skills ( ) 118glh ( glh) Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 556 plus © CITY & GUILDS This is amore flexible NVQ and could even be used as a stand alone ‘core’ qualification. You would expect to see work experience so this can be built into the model dependent upon the use FS /GCSE or the optional qualification to add further skills for employment needs Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 2: OPTION 5 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING (NVQ)
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L2 NVQ Diploma in Food Production and Cooking ( ) 332glh ( glh) Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( X) Functional skills- English L1 (500/9319/8) - c36-50glh c45 Functional skills (example) Could do Entry 3 if required ( ) Functional skills – Math L1 (501/0986/8) – c36-50glh c45 Work ExperienceWith an NVQ then work experience should be built in as part of the experience (Band 2 or 3) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Tutorials and non –accredited training support to prepare the individual for work or progression (could be RWE) 30 optional Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) L2 Certificate in Professional Food and Beverage Skills ( ) Alternative: L2 Certificate in Culinary Skills ( ) 118glh ( glh) 85glh (62-108glh) Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 556 – 540 © CITY & GUILDS This is amore flexible NVQ and could even be used as a stand alone ‘core’ qualification. You would expect to see work experience so this can be built into the model dependent upon the use FS /GCSE or the optional qualification to add further skills for employment needs Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 2: OPTION 6 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING (NVQ)
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L3 Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery (Kitchen and Larder) – ( ) 555glh Functional skills/GCSEIts likely L2 has been achieved or the student will have GCSE A*-C n/a (if not glh hrs will need adding) Functional skills/GCSEIts likely L2 has been achieved or the student will have GCSE A*-C n/a (if not glh hrs will need adding) Work ExperienceDependent on previous work experience options should/could be built into the programme 30 (Band 1) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) Unlikely requirement at L3n/a Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) None required n/a Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 585 © CITY & GUILDS This is an alternative option which is using QAN L3 Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery ( ) but it does carry 785glh which should be considered a 2 year option if not RPL or costs covered internally. Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 3: OPTION 1 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) X L3 Certificate in General Patisserie and Confectionary ( ) 269glh Functional skills/GCSEIts likely L2 has been achieved or the student will have GCSE A*-C n/a (if not glh hrs will need adding) Functional skills/GCSEIts likely L2 has been achieved or the student will have GCSE A*-C n/a (if not glh hrs will need adding) Work ExperienceDependent on previous work experience options should/could be built into the programme 100 (Band 2 or 3 ) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) L3 Certificate in Food & Beverage Service Supervision ( ) 187glh Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) None required n/a Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 540+ © CITY & GUILDS Whilst its ‘just’ under this could still be considered as a ‘core’ qualification. You could then add a suitable qualification for skills needs like the QAN or build in a suitable work experience opportunity as a good stepping stone into employment. Programmes using GCSE will require substantially more planned hrs with an avg 110 planned hrs for each element (English/math's) THIS WOULD REPLACE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 3: OPTION 2 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L3 Diploma in Food and Beverage Services Supervision ( ) L3 Diploma in Professional Patisserie and Confectionery ( ) 358glh 384glh Functional skills/GCSEIts likely L2 has been achieved or the student will have GCSE A*-C n/a (if not glh hrs will need adding) Functional skills/GCSEIts likely L2 has been achieved or the student will have GCSE A*-C n/a (if not glh hrs will need adding) Work ExperienceDependent on previous work experience options should/could be built into the programme 100 (Band 2 or 3 ) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) n/a Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) Could look at alternative smaller qualification to adding further skills as alternative to WE optional hrs Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 540+ © CITY & GUILDS These two qualifications could be used as the ‘core’ with work experience and/or additional smaller qualification which will add further skills (as see in other models) CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 3: OPTION 3 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING
Programme of StudyQual/QAN numberGLHs (on LARS) Substantial ‘Core’ Qualification (50% of POS) L3 NVQ Diploma in Professional Cookery (Preparation and Cooking ( ) L3 NVQ Diploma in Professional Cookery ( ) L3 NVQ Diploma in Professional Cookery (Patisserie and Confectionary) – glh 399glh 354glh Functional skills/GCSEIts likely L2 has been achieved or the student will have GCSE A*-C n/a Functional skills/GCSEIts likely L2 has been achieved or the student will have GCSE A*-C n/a Work ExperienceDependent on previous work experience options should be built into the programme for NVQs 100+ (Band 2 or 3 ) Non Accredited training Entitlement (Tutorial) n/a Employability (options available) or Additionality (smaller relevant qualification) Could look at alternative smaller qualification to adding further skills as alternative to WE optional hrs Total hoursFlexibility for total glh can be made through work experience/ non accredited activity 540+ © CITY & GUILDS These three NVQ qualifications could be used as the ‘core’ with work experience as part of the programme, any additional smaller qualification could be an alternative option if hours permit or individual would benefit from the skill addition. CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY LEVEL 3: OPTION 3 – HOSPITALITY & CATERING (NVQs)
If you have any general questions about the Hospitality and Catering Programme of Study, please contact; Darrin Sinclair Portfolio Manager, City & Guilds For specific queries on funding, please contact: Lawrence Rowley Funding Manager, City & Guilds CREATING A PROGRAMME OF STUDY FURTHER INFORMATION