Desired outcomes Better alignment between demand and supply in establishing a skilled workforce Increased numbers of New Zealanders gaining skills required by industry Increased individual capability to weather labour market shifts and sustain employment A responsive education system At the senior secondary level, a coherent, future focussed curriculum is an important principle providing all students with a broad education. One that is learner centred, makes links across learning areas and opens up pathways to educational opportunities beyond school. Source: NZ Curriculum – Requirements for Boards of Trustees
ESOL funded students: Statistical Information Over 37,000 students from migrant and refugee backgrounds are receiving ESOL funded support in 1,400 schools. Each year approximately 60,000 NZ students leave school to embark on employment or further study. Over 8,000 of these have been identified as ELLs from a migrant or refugee background. 6,568 (18%) are in secondary schools 5,343 (81%) are migrants 653 (10%) are from a refugee background
Leaving qualifications 2014All NZMigrantsRefugees * Proportion gaining NCEA Level 2 or above77.1%82.4%71.2% * for cohort who have had 5 or more years in NZ it rises to 80.7% NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) Level 2 - “the foundation for success in further education and the world of work” The NZ government has a Better Public Service target of 85% NCEA Level 2 pass rates. Targets are also set in: the NZ Refugee Resettlement Strategy the NZ Migrant Settlement and Integration Strategy
Work already in place Vocational Pathways – NCEA qualification aligned to broad sectors defined by industry Use of local data to show economic and employment opportunities and areas for educational improvement and alignment Brokering and developing partnerships between education providers (secondary, tertiary) and industry Partnerships with economic development agencies – ATEED
Significant Economic and Employment Growth Opportunities (Auckland) by Sector ICT Construction and Infrastructure Food and Beverage high-end manufacturing Tourism Health Evidence (from IRD tax returns) shows that people with a minimum of a Level 4 qualification are able to sustain a reasonable standard of income in a changing labour market
L2 - Blended programmes Alongside the practical workplace experience, Michael could also be learning subjects such as chemistry, math etc., using cooking as a context for learning.
Level 3 – the bridge to where? Previously, Level 3 was primarily used as preparation for a university destination Yet…. only 30% of school leavers go directly to university… what about the other 70%? How much of an untapped market is this? 3+2 model – partnerships with industry; Why? What can this look like?
Examples of models Auckland Airport Redevelopment (ARA), with Southern Cross Campus 3 schools and MIT partnering on construction and engineering pathways – MIT sourced employers 7 schools in Mangere, NZCC and local health providers / MIT / logistics companies Marine Industry – boatbuilding and composite materials: Creating hubs in West Auckland, Tamaki and Warkworth