MARINA MATEJEVIC TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery Curricular Reform 544246-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR.


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Presentation transcript:

MARINA MATEJEVIC TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery Curricular Reform TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-JPCR

 In 2003, on the meeting in Berlin it was decided that graduation of first and seconf cycle of studies (bachelor and master) would be described and expressed with learning outcomes.  In the higher education system is developing framework of comparable and harmonized qualifications which aims to provide a descriptions of qualifications in terms of load, study level, learning outcomes, competencies and profiles.

 General standards of qualifications of unified European educational area – EHEA (The European Higher Education Area), accordingly 'Dublin descriptors‘ was developed in and they include the qualification descriptors for the four level of higher education.  The Dublin descriptors are general statements of typical achievements and abilities expected from students after the completion of each cycle qualifications in line with the Bologna standards.  Qualification descriptors are general descriptions of what should be the learning outcome at the end of a certain cycle of education.

 Descriptors which are listed in national framework of qualifications relying on general standards of qualification of unified the European educational area– EHEA, i.e. 'Dublin descriptors‘.  Descriptors should be the reference point for the development of learning programs for each cycle of education.  They may be related to the acquired knowledge, skills, the level of responsibility and autonomy in work, as well as the values.

 This degree can be obtained by students that satisfy descriptors of learning outcomes who:  have demonstrated knowledge and understanding that are supplementing the knowledge gained at the undergraduate level, and provides a basis for developing critical thinking and application of knowledge.  can apply their knowledge in problem solving in new or unfamiliar environments within broader or multidisciplinary fields.  have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgements with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge.  are able to clearly and unambiguously convey knowledge and the way of concluding to the professional and wider public.  possess the ability to continue their studies in a manner that will be choose autonomously.

 To these general descriptors of learning outcomes, which are established by National Framework of Qualifications, should rely a learning outcomes for Master of Social Pedagogy, which in this proposal also rely on AIEI/The professional competence of social educators a conceptual framework, document of European Association of social pedagogues from 2005/.

 According to National Framework of Qualifications:  Who have demonstrated knowledge and understanding that supplementing the knowledge gained at the undergraduate level, and provides a basis for developing critical thinking and application of knowledge.  According to Bloom's taxonomy of this descriptor refers to the first two levels:  Knowledge - This level of knowledge is based on basic memorizing and subsequent recognition or a more or less literal reproduction of previously memorized information.  Understanding - Knowledge learned with understanding has a characteristics of operability and it is can be singled out of context and used in new learning situations or problem solving.

KNOWLEDEGE  Student have demonstrated knowledge of  Presenting the theoretical concepts of social pedagogy;  Presenting relevant educational, psychological, sociological, anthropological theories, for example, systemic approach to family and parental functioning.  Describing the forms of social and pedagogical work (prevention, education, counseling, compensation, social integration, etc.);  Describing the recognized methods in a group work, field work, etc.  Presenting methodological approach and research work in the field of social pedagogy;  Presenting the relevant systems of evaluation and documentation of social and educational activities

UNDERSTANDING  Student demonstrate understanding of:  Explaining interdisciplinary approach in considering the problems of social pedagogy.  Critically evaluate a variety of educational, psychological, sociological and anthropological theories;  Explaining the problems of behavioral disorders, the process of stigmatization, marginalization, personal and social violence, social exclusion and prevention;  Explaining analytical and research work in the field of social pedagogy.  Interpreting the influences of various cultures and their values;  Recognizing the stages in the process of consultation;  Analyzing own activities based on recognized theories and methods.

 Who are able to apply knowledge in problem solving in new or unfamiliar environments within broader or multidisciplinary fields.  According to Bloom's taxonomy there is a match with the level that refers to the application of knowledge.  The main characteristic of this level is the application of previously acquired knowledge in a new situations (situations that are not previously learned).

 Students have demonstrated ability and skills to:  Applying appropriate and relevant educational, psychological, sociological, anthropological theories in their own work  Applying methods for conflict resolutions and using conflicts in a constructive way.  Directly acting in the particular situation in relation to the needs and wishes of the child / adolescent / adult in an appropriate manner  Using appropriate and recognized methods in work, for example, in group work, field work, etc..  Applying analyze and research results in the implementation and organization social and pedagogical work.

 Systematically gathering (alone and with others), generalizing, documenting and using the experience in the implementation and development of social work;  Organizing prevention, treatment and resocialization risk behaviors and behavioral disorders, with increased sensibility for children and youth;  Applying intercultural dialogue in the educational and other contexts;  Defining goals, planning, systematizing whole social pedagogical practice of institution and social pedagogical work.  Defining goals, planning, initiating, structuring, implementing, and coordinating, social educational activities, processes, projects and developmental projects - focusing on the individual as well as group  Implementing personal and collective counseling and guidance of parents, relatives, colleagues and other professional groups with applying various techniques of counseling.

 According to National Framework of Qualification – Who have ability to integrate the knowledge, solving complex problems, and to judgment based on the available information that contain reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.  According to Bloom's taxonomy, the cognitive domain of this descriptor refers to the level of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. In the affective domain it is the level of evaluation, organization and internalization.  Analysis - process of the formation of scientific concepts  Synthesis - Production of new information based on existing ones.  Evaluation – critically thinking /assess the value, offer the arguments  Assessment - actively evaluates and emotionally is determined according to the present (from acceptance to negation)  Organization - Organize previously established values, ​​ establishes priorities, integrating them into a system of values.  Internalization - student has appropriated certain values ​​ and they become his characteristics.

 Students have demonstrated ability and skills to:  Judging and organizing activities in relation to context of their workplace;  Judging and recognizing patterns of culture that help in creating and setting up a framework for the child / adolescent / adult in terms of access to other people and with the way how he or she relates to others and how to behave in the society;  Reflecting current issues in relation to the profession and on this basis to choose appropriate strategies to work;  Determining the context in which the institutions and social and educational practice are involved and that they are conveyed and that they are transmitted to children/adolescents/adults as a part of social development;

 That they are aware of their own position in establishing contact with the child/adolescent/adult, sensitivity in perceiving the same, their own interpretation, processing and modification.  Supporting a high level of professional focus on the needs of the child /user, professional ethics and morality;  Assessing their own activities on the basis of recognized theories and methods and their own action research;  Constructs knowledge based on recognized descriptions, reflections and experiences from social pedagogical work.  Dedicated to the human approach and human values.

 Who are able to clearly and unambiguously convey knowledge and way of concluding professional and wider public.  According to Bloom’s taxonomy, here is also present cognitive domain – understanding, application of knowledge, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and affective domain, reception and response (reaction), organizing, evaluating and internalization.  Reception – passive listening and receiving information..  Reaction (response) – actively participate in learning and emotionally responding.

 Students have demonstrated ability and skills to:  Cooperate in teams with colleagues and having knowledge about the techniques of team building and group dynamics;  Participating in the interdisciplinary teams with a large range of tasks;  Integrating the knowledge about other professions, their professional terminology and ethics and using the methods of interdisciplinary colaboration;  Adequately communicating and collaborating with relatives and client parents;  Communicating on many levels, including mastery of various communication instruments;

 Exchanging messages that are precisely directed to the recipient and his possibilities of understanding in the context of its educational and cultural backgrounds;  Discusses in the debate about the social and pedagogical work and its impact on the community;  Participating as an authoritative professionals in creating a dialogue in negotiating with local government decisions, which form local framework for social and educational work. This may for example be the policy towards children / youth policy towards employees, towards labor market and the family;  Reflecting current issues related to the profession and on this basis to establishing communication with the public and other professionals;  Participating in debates and drafting of documents, arguing the importance of socially-pedagogical work ;  Discussing with colleagues and other professionals about the problems of the profession in the function of profession development.

 Who have the ability to continue their studies in a way that will independently choose.  According to Bloom's taxonomy, here are also present, and cognitive domain (knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation) and affective domain (receiving, response, evaluation, organization and internalization)

 Students have demonstrated ability and skills to:  Participating in developing and improving their own professional competencies and theoretical base through continuing further education, through developmental projects, supervision by colleagues, etc  Be dedicated to the professional development, the adoption of new theoretical knowledge and their transformation into practical activities  Participating in the continuous formal and informal learning process;  Reflecting critically upon and evaluating their own work independently or together with others, and on the basis of the achieved insight to start developing their own competence;  Participating in analysis and action researches of their own work, and as a reflective practitioner working on their own development.