Headquarters Move ► Lease of IPH (5-year lease) ► May—September 2012: Montreal office construction ► Financial support from Montreal International
Your New Office
IFALPA Staff ► Hired 6 staff professionals ●Office administration ●Finance ●Technical ●Liaison with ICAO
Federation Finances ► 2012 Budget ► 2013 Budget ► New banking service provider ► New accounting system
2012 operating budget Profit/LossActualBudgetVariance Q4(43,894)(39,956)(3,938) Q3302,539353,734(51,194) Q2695,468717,424(21,956) Q11,158,9871,129,55029,437
2013 Budget and forcast Year 2013 excl moving cost2013 incl moving costProjections 2014 Income Subscription Income Net2,544,954 Other Income575,800825,800379,240 Montreal International200,000450,000 Interpilot House30,800 Conference345,000 Total Income3,120,7543,370,7542,924,194 Expenditure Salaries1,226,302 1,263,091 Staff Welfare11,000 11,330 Staff Training7,000 7,210 Administration127, ,634 Bank charges11,104 11,437 Exchange rate gain/loss8,200 8,446 Offices192,963 Insurance30,799 32,433 Information Technology95,520 60,000 Consultants256, ,000 IFALPA Training40,400 41,612 Executive Board44,500 45,835 Internal Meetings655, ,765 Commitees310,000 Conference345,411 External Representation275, ,250 Recharge of relocation exp 274,7500 Total Costs3,052,3253,327,0752,957,606 Total Depreciation &Costs30,000 30,900 Surplus /Deficit108,42983,67970,288
The fine print ► RBC our new banking partner in Canada ► INFOR our new accounting service and expense provider from IPSC