1648 Austria, s Post Peace of Westphalia, A. still wanted a strong unified state. Would soon add Bohemia, Hungary, parts of Poland, and some Italian states. The Hapsburg Empire expanded -- they were divided by geography and diverse peoples and cultures; Included Germans, Magyars, Slavs, and many others In most parts, people still had their own language, laws, political assemblies, and customs...In response, A. sent german-speaking officials to Bohemia and Hungary and settles Austrians on lands they settled. The officials put down revolts in B and H. As much as A wanted, they still failed to have a centralized gov’t. Emperor Charles VI had no male heir, only had his daughter, Maria Theresa. She was intelligent and capable to rule, yet no woman had ruled before. Charles persuaded European rules to recognize her - yet when he died, many ignored her. Frederick II of Prussia seized Silesia (Hapsburg province). Led to 8 year War of Austrian Succession. Maria asked Hungary for military help. H didn’t like Hapsburgs. She made a dramatic plea. Eventually got help from B and R. They didn’t want P upsetting balance of power “Our lives and blood for your Majesty!” - Hungarian Nobles post dramatic plea. ●Maria never succeeded in forcing Frederick out of Silesia ●She preserved her empire by gaining the support of her people ●Strengthen A by reorganizing bureaucracy and improving tax collection ●Forced nobles and clergy to pay taxes = ease burden and labor services of peasants ●Her son, Joseph II, extended many of her reforms By the 1700s...
Prussia, s The Hohenzollern family ruled scattered lands across North Germany -- following P. of W in 1648, the united their holdings and created Prussia 1648 They created a strong, efficient, central bureaucracy Frederick William I -- Prussian ruler, after the death of his father in He gained loyalty of Prussian Nobles, called junkers (Yoon kerz) by giving them positions in the army and government. Decreased noble independence and increased his power! He created the best, well-trained army in Europe. He pushed for the focus = power “Prussia is not a state which possesses an army, but an army which possesses a state.” -Military leader Prussia was finally strong enough to challenge their rival, Austria. Frederick William I made sure his son was trained in the art of war. His son preferred to play the flute and write poetry. His father despised this and almost forced his son to flee at 18 years old. Captured him while he was fleeing and put him in solitary confinement. Made him watch his friend who was helping escape get beheaded. Frederick II learned the hard way -- used his army in 1740 to take over Silesia (Haps province). Used the army wisely to force all to recognize Prussia as a great power. He was given the name Frederick the Great. By the 1700s...
End of Timeline ●By 1750: Austria, Prussia, France, Britain, and Russia were great European powers ●Various alliances were put in place between them to maintain the overall balance of power. ○Even if they swapped sides, the balance remained. ●Rivalries persisted… ○Prussia and Austria fought over German states ○France and England fought for oversea colonies ■French and Indian War - led Britain to become a huge empire, changing Europe’s balance of power for the next hundred years.