Hitler’s War SIN #41 SWBAT: Identify Hitler’s early victories against the Allies.


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Presentation transcript:

Hitler’s War SIN #41 SWBAT: Identify Hitler’s early victories against the Allies.

German Early victories After easily taking Poland in 26 days, Hitler waited out the winter (phony war) Spring 1940 Germany took Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and set eyes on France Germans went around the Maginot Line- concrete, heavily guarded border between France and Germany- and trapped French army British army forced to evacuate and France surrendered on June 22 (Miracle at Dunkirk)

Germany controls France Under German occupation, set up a authoritarian government (Vichy France) led by Marshal Henri Petain- WWI French hero Germany now had control of all western and central Europe, except…

Battle of Britain Britain new prime minister, Winston Churchill, vowed to fight Hitler til the bitter end… “We shall defend our island Whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight on the fields and in the streets. We shall fight on the hills. We will never surrender!” Read don’t write

With Britain refusing to negotiate, Hitler realized success would be determined by air victory Aug 1940 Germany launched the Luftwaffe- German air force- and bombed British cities for 76 consecutive nights

With the help of radar, British were able to hide planes and rebuild their air force quickly By Sept, British were inflicting casualties on Germany and Hitler postponed the invasion of Britain indefinitely (ended in a tie)

Operation Barbarossa Hitler’s name for invasion of Soviet Union in June 1941 Hitler’s motivations: 1. secure Lebensraum and natural resources 2. hatred of Bolsheviks 3. eliminate Europe’s largest Jewish population

What is the message of the cartoon?

By Aug blitzkrieg was successful in forcing Red Army back 500 miles Again Red Army used scorched earth policy But Russian winter set in, Germany army unprepared and forced to stop invasion

Battle of Stalingrad Nov – Feb 1943 Russians finally won their first victory against the Germans!!! Considered the most terrible/bloodiest battle of the war in Europe. The entire German Sixth Army, considered the best troops, were lost. After defeat, Hitler realized he could NOT defeat the Soviet Union

Battle of Stalingrad: *500, ,000 by Axis overall in fighting Soviets *the Red Army suffered a total of 1,129,619 total casualties Battle of Britain: *totaled 43,381 killed and 50,856 injured British civilians *Casualties of the German aircrew were 3,363 KIA, 2,117 WIA and 2,641 taken prisoner The Numbers…

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Interactive map video world_war_II_1941_1942_demo.php battle of britain battle of Britain battle of britain us Britain battle (use this one) WWII in color part 1 -France 1940 invasion of france -Britain battle of britain -Bavaria 1941 invasion of SU