A.R.T.I.S.T. This power point presentation is for educational purposes. It may contain copyrighted material. Please do not post, redistribute or copy without the permission of the author or Dr. Kevin Brady at the American Institute for History Education.
A.R.T.I.S.T. is a method of primary source analysis that allows students to process information in a written or visual source of a historic nature. A.R.T.I.S.T. allows students to become proficient at taking sources and breaking them down into key components to enrich their knowledge and understanding © 2010 AIHE
Primary sources provide a window into the past—unfiltered access to the record of artistic, social, scientific and political thought and achievement during the specific period under study, produced by people who lived during that period. Bringing young people into close contact with these unique, often profoundly personal, documents and objects can give them a very real sense of what it was like to be alive during a long-past era. Three major outcomes of working with primary sources: 1.Engage Students 2.Develop Critical Thinking Skills 3.Construct Knowledge Three major outcomes of working with primary sources: 1.Engage Students 2.Develop Critical Thinking Skills 3.Construct Knowledge From the Library of Congress, teacher resources section.
A.R.T.I.S.T. can be used with students of all grade levels. After a brief introduction to the method teachers can assign students to analyze a source either individually or in small groups. © 2010 AIHE
Mnemonic devices are techniques that aid students in remembering certain facts or content. ARTIST is a first letter mnemonic It is designed to get students to remember to look for certain specific pieces of information
A uthor R eason T o whom I mmediate effect S ubsequent effects T ime period © 2010 AIHE Painting history with BROAD STROKES!
1. Brief introduction to the period, including people, events, etc 2. Analyze the document/documents using the ARTIST pneumonic method 3. Draw conclusion about the document and/or documents Change over time Trends and contradictions © 2010 AIHE
Who is the author of the document? Key Issues: 1.Why might the author be important? 2.Can the author give us insight into their biases and points of view? 3.Is the author in a position to have an understanding of the events described? © 2010 AIHE
What is the reason or purpose of the communication? Key Issues: 1.Does the reason help us see the big picture? 2.Does the reason help us place the document in context? © 2010 AIHE
Who is the intended audience? Key Issues: 1.Does the intended audience provide clues to the document? 2.How does the audience potentially impact the document? © 2010 AIHE
What were the immediate consequences of the production of the document? Key Issues: 1.What happened as a result of this document? 2.Was/were the consequences intended or not? © 2010 AIHE
What was the subsequent impact of the source under consideration. Did it have significant reverberations or only slight ones? Key Issues: 1.How or did this document have an impact across time? © 2010 AIHE
When was the document produced? Key Issues: 1.Where does this document fit into the scope of American history? 2.Is this document part of a sequence of events? 3.Is there any other important document that precedes the document or comes afterward? © 2010 AIHE
Are there any questions? Any comments? Want to throw things? © 2010 AIHE