An Outstanding School - Ofsted Working together…. Helping your child with revision Presentation for parents MARCH 14 TH 2016 Ideas and techniques to help you support your child to achieve their potential
An Outstanding School - Ofsted What is revision? It means actively looking over work on an on-going basis: 1.To remind you of things you have forgotten 2.To make links with other learning so that you have the bigger picture 3.To reinforce learning 4.To identify what you don’t know 5.To check understanding
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Resources to revise Help provide the right resources for your child to revise actively: –Pens, pencils, paper, a ruler, glue, scissors –Post-it notes –Felt tips –Highlighters –Dictionary –Revision guides and podcasts –Food and drink!
An Outstanding School - Ofsted
What? How? Does your child know what they need to do? What will be actually tested in the exam? (Revision list) What day is the exam? (Exam timetable) When does the exam start and how long is it? Do they have the materials to do it? Exercise books, textbooks, folders… Revision guides Access to internet (websites) If there are any gaps, encourage them to ask their subject teacher….
An Outstanding School - Ofsted It reduces panic – gives them control and confidence It means that exams reflect what they can do, not what they didn’t bother to do! It can help identify problem areas Achieve better results! Why bother?
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Get them in the zone!
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Help them work out how much time they have – be realistic Don’t forget to factor in a bit of play time! Get them to take into account their ideal time/ day of work – work out when they will revise Break it down into manageable “chunks” e.g. ‘revising characters in ‘Of Mice and Men’’ sounds more manageable than ‘revising for GCSEs’ Where to start? When to do it?
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Task 2 – Please complete a weekend timetable.
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Encourage them to revise by TASK rather than TIME. Encourage them to see the ‘big picture’ by creating a time or ‘task’ –table. Ask your child specific questions, for example, not ‘What did you do in Maths today?’, rather, look at a page in their book and use it to ask questions e.g. ‘What is the answer to this question?’ ‘How do you work it out? How can I help with revision?
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Which do you think are the most effective techniques? being able to explain a point or fact to someone else writing summaries of texts Highlighting/underlining Keyword mnemonics - choosing a word to associate with information forming mental pictures while reading or listening Re-reading testing yourself to check knowledge - especially using flash cards spreading out study over time switching between different kinds of problems Task 3
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Which do you think are the most effective techniques? being able to explain a point or fact to someone else writing summaries of texts Highlighting/underlining Keyword mnemonics - choosing a word to associate with information forming mental pictures while reading or listening Re-reading testing yourself to check knowledge - especially using flash cards spreading out study over time switching between different kinds of problems
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Skimming is when you read quickly through the sentences getting a gist of the text. Scanning is when your eyes dart around a text searching for a specific word/phrase/number. You should do this when summarising, or looking for key information from the question. Highlighters are useful to help you scan.
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Task 4
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Read the question, and underline the action word – analyse, list, explain. It will tell you how the examiner expects your ideas to look Check the mark allocation. Has your teacher told you how many minutes each mark is worth? If not, find out! If you have an exam where you have a text to read, take a breath and remind yourself what you are looking for. How many things are you looking for? Do you need to go to a particular part of the text? Highlight sparingly; the last thing you want is a totally neon page! Plan. Has your teacher taught you how? There are different ways to plan for each type of long answer. If you don’t know, find out! Look at the clock. Check how many minutes you have left, and start writing. Stick to your timing! Finished? Read over your work. It’s the last thing you will feel like doing, but you must do it. Use radio voice technique to spot errors.
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Paragraph 1: 1 sentence intro Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5: 1 sentence conclusion
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Paragraph 1: 1 sentence intro Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5: 1 sentence conclusion Welcome to my talk on Everest Everest is 8850 metres tall You will need snow and ice training You will need strong ropes Thank you for listening
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Paragraph 1: 1 sentence intro Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragrap h 4 Paragraph 5: 1 sentence conclusion Welcome to my talk on Everest Everest is 8850 metres tall Altitude can be an issue, need altitude training, altitude sickness You will need snow and ice training Dangers of slipping, give example of someone who slipped and was injured, effect on visibility when climbing You will need strong ropes Cost of equipment, length of time to save up, best place to buy equipment, how to use ropes when climbing Thank you for listening
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Task 5 – Complete the sheet!
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Blood from the stone! Ask the right questions: When is your exam…? What are you likely to be tested on…? What do you need to take on the day…? What strategies are helping you most..? You’ve been studying…What can you teach me…? What support do you need…?
An Outstanding School - Ofsted So, you're a visual learner then?! You learn best when you see pictures, diagrams and writing. You use information from textbooks to good effect. You work well by yourself. Strategies: Use colour to highlight your notes and connect topics together. Make notes of notes to help you revise and learn facts. Make flash cards of ideas that need to be remembered. When learning a list of items, colour each item a different colour and learn the colour to help you remember the list order.
An Outstanding School - Ofsted So, you're an auditory learner then?! You learn best when you hear information. You are good with group discussions. You find using tapes a good way of learning information. You often memorise words and facts by speaking them out loud. Strategies: Work with someone else to run through what you have learnt in a lesson. Say things out loud when learning, but only when you aren't going to disturb others! Make your own recordings of your notes and play them back to yourself. When learning in pairs, test each other out loud.
An Outstanding School - Ofsted So, you're a kinaesthetic learner then?! You learn best when you are 'doing'. You like to be active when learning. You like practical demonstrations. Strategies: Make short notes and put down key ideas. Move around when learning. Make a model or a poster of the thing you are learning about. Use flash cards and put them into order to represent a process. Type ideas and notes on a computer. When learning new words, see if you can turn the word into an action and physically act it out to help you remember it.
An Outstanding School - Ofsted Freddie’s Family Values Be our BEST: Belonging Engaging Succeeding Together