SSE WebMapViewer Recent Developments Steven Smolders SSE Workshop ESA - ESRIN, Frascati, Rome
[ 2] Overview Introduction Recent Developments SOS Client upgrade Logging module SLD-WMS support AOI attribute definition Gzip compression WFS stylesheet wizard improvements WMS animation improvements EO Profile of GML Miscellaneous improvements Planned developments
[ 3] Introduction WebMapViewer (AOI tool) - forms the cartographic display of the SSE portal Defining Area Of Interest (AOI) Generated by end users from SSE => input to Service Display of Service Results Generated by the Services => displayed within SSE
[ 4] Introduction Supported Service Result Types GML Files (SSE SR GML Application schema & EO GML) Shape Files Web Map Services (1.1.0 & & 1.3.0) Web Map Context Documents (1.0.0 & 1.1.0) Web Feature Services (1.0.0, Simple Features GML) Web Coverage Services (1.0.0) Raster data files (Coverages) Sensor Observation Services (0.0.0 and 1.0.0) Transactional WFS KML 2.1 and 2.2 Files SLD-enabled WMS
[ 5] Sensor Observation Services Upgrade of SOS Client - OGC Sensor Observation Services allow accessing observations (O&M) over the WWW using standardised protocols - Enhancements Support SOS and O&M Version Flexible support for different Observation models using XSLT Interoperable with both UMN MapServer and 52° North
[ 6] Sensor Observation Services Upgrade of SOS ClientSOS Client
[ 7] Logging Module - Tool for service providers to troubleshoot issues with the integration of OGC Web Services - Allows logging and display of all WMS, WFS, WCS & SOS requests and responses per user session Information on HTTP response codes, use of gzip, use of cache,....
[ 8] Logging Module
[ 9] SLD WMS SLD-WMS Support - SLD stands for Styled Layer Descriptor Language - SLD-WMS allows to influence the portrayal of a WMS layer by filtering features and defining the symbology with which to portray them - Allows to combine Querying of WFS Faster display capabilities of WMS Spatial DB WFS WMS (Portrayal) SLD (rendering Rules) getFeature Features getMap Map
[ 10] SLD WMS SLD-WMS Support - SLD-WMS Support
[ 11] Define AOI with attributes - During service configuration specify the attribute labels - After drawing the geometry, a popup window will appear
[ 12] Gzip compression for OGC Services GZIP Compression - WFS & SOS relatively slow due to transfer of bulky GML/O&M - Size can be reduced to up to 90% by using gzip - Be aware that (un)zipping has got a cost which on fast networks may outweigh performance gains - At WebMapViewer level the use of compression can be set in configurator - At OGC Service level compression can be realised within the product (e.g. GeoServer), at Web Server level or by adding an HTTP filter
[ 13] WFS improvements WFS Stylesheet wizard - Wizard to configure the WFS Clients’ Query/Result/Edit forms - Outcome is a set of XSLT and XML files - Previously there was no way in which to do adjustments to the configuration once the wizards’ session was expired - Now, the possibility has been added to allow reimporting a configuration file
[ 14] WFS improvements WFS Spatial Filters - Previously only support for either no spatial filter or using the current map extent - Now, there is the possibility to use previously identified AOI features - Available and default options are configurable by the service provider
[ 15] Supporting EO Profile GML EO Profile of GML - EO Product metadata format defined in HMA series of projects - “Complex GML” with multiple geometry types and nesting of attributes - Standalone WebMapViewer can visualise this type of GML with service provider configuration of identify form (XSLT)
[ 16] WMS Animation WMS Animation improvements - Previously only supported for WMS with time dimensions defined by a start time, end time and a period. - Now also supporting time dimensions defined as a list of discrete times - Improvements in the loading cycle of the images allowing very small replay intervals.
[ 17] Other evolutions Support for Opera browsers Coverage download window improvements Default Context files for polar CRS In configuration mode - display the coordinates of the limiting extent - allow modification of WxS URL parameters Switch automatic to the AOI, search, coverage,... Tabs Consolidation of Javascript API Additional JS function to retrieve count and extent of AOI features...
[ 18] Future Work Planned developments - Upgrade WCS client to forthcoming WCS EO Application schema in HMA FO project - Provide the possibility to clear WebMapViewer cache for specific OGC services
[ 19] Outlook Within GENESIS FP7 EC Project, the WebMapViewer is rebuilt with latest technology whilst preserving its broad functionality - Java Server Faces (JBOSS SEAM, Richfaces) - JSR 286 portlets - Portrayal Service - AJAX GUI