Project Proposed Future Smart Bike on 2022 Under the Guidance of Mrs. S. Umadevi,M.Tech Senior Assistant Professor Submitted by, S.kiruthika, M.Devi, S.Kiruthika IFET College Of Engineering Villupuram, Tamilnadu.
Abstract Automated bike features Battery charger in efficient way Alert notification for faults occurred on bike Automated indicator to avoid accidents Automated break on 10m distance on bike
Automated bike
Heat energy recycling process Engine heat energy Input to charge the battery CO2 recycle process-generates oxygen supply=1 tree Automated indicator Automated brake system Sensation to detect drunken drive
Conversion of heat energy Heat energy can be converted into electrical energy which can be used as a input for battery to be charged.
Concerns of 2022 bike
Automated brake system 10 m Automated brake system on 10m between any vehicles including objects like stone, etc using GPRS
Salient Features Automated bike features: The bike should have an automated features like car by using different Sensors,WSN,GPRS,etc Automated indicator: which indicates light and alarm to indicate the bike driving person who can slightly bends towards while driving,it can automatically indicates by using detecting sensors.
Automated heat energy conversion: The heat energy can be converted into electrical energy which can be used as a input to charge the battery as automatically. It improves the efficiency of the battery provides validity at long life time period. Heat energy electrical energy charge battery
Alert notification for faults on bike Brake failure Emergency alert Gasoline before dry Unconditional state of bike Alcohol prediction Drunken drive Severe fault--- automatically stop the bike
CONCLUSION The proposed system provides efficient way to drive a bike helps to manage the performance and also avoid accidents. If any faults occurred on a bike(i.e. faults can affect the performance of bike) alert can be passed to our mobile and also stops the bike.